• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Shadow's Glog for 2013

This is my second year growing hot peppers, and my first for growing super hots. This year is going to be a massive step up from my previous year. Pot size is going from 3 gallon to 5, varieties are going from 11 to 31 and counting, and plant count is going from 30 to about 300. I might end up giving some of them away; I don’t know what my yard can support. All of last year’s plants were grown on the deck, but this year they are moving out onto the lawn.

I want to thank this great community for its wealth of knowledge and generosity that has helped me get to where I am.

This year’s tentative grow list:

White Bullet Habanero
Tangerine Habanero
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Douglah
Scorpion CARDI
Scorpion Moruga
Bhut Jolokia White
Bhut Jolokia Red
Naga Morich

Hawaiian Sweet Hot
Amish Bush
Early Jalapeno
Chocolate Cherry
Red Hot Cherry
Long Cayenne
Sofia Sweet

CAP 499


Aji Crystal
Aji Limon

Turbo Pube
Manzano Orange
Rocoto Yellow

Onto the pictures:

This is last Sunday the 6th

Making a mess out of the dinning room.


One of 4 ready to go.


I'm lacking heat mats, but the lights seem to keep them warm enough.

Took the lids off today to see if anything had popped up yet.


Looks like I've got a few babies ready to start the season!
Just a small update on whats come out of the soil:

1/12 - White Bullet Habanero
12/12 - Tangerine Habanero
12/12 - 7 Pot Yellow
4/6 - 7 Pot Jonah
1/6 - 7 Pot Primo
1/1 - 7 Pot Douglah
3/12 - Scorpion CARDI
3/12 - Scorpion Moruga
5/6 - Bhut Jolokia White
1/6 - Bhut Jolokia Red
7/11 - Quintisho
6/12 - Naga Morich

9/12 - Hawaiian
2/12 - Hawaiian Sweet Hot
0/6 - Amish Bush
2/12 - Tepin
1/6 - Pequin
10/12 - Early Jalapeno
0/6 - Chocolate Cherry
2/6 - Red Hot Cherry
7/12 - Long Cayenne
12/12 - Sofia Sweet
7/12 - Santaka
5/6 - Shishito

0/6 - CAP 499

8/12 - Purira

2/12 - Aji Crystal
2/12 - Aji Limon

0/6 - Turbo Pube
0/6 - Manzano Orange
0/6 - Rocoto Yellow

Any tips on how to keep the cells moist for the ones that haven't popped up yet? Last year I used the jiffy pellets and just pulled them out of the dome as they came up, but this year all 72 cells are under one dome and I can't just pick individual ones out.

Keeping seedlings under the dome is risky business my friend... I'd say get them into some ventilated environment as soon as you can. Maybe since a couple germinated the others will be soon to follow, even without the dome...
I'm with Spicegeist - sometimes I just cut the cells in question apart so
the non-germinated can stay i the domes. If that's not an option, then
dome off for all of them. Just keep cells moist - they will dry out faster.
I'm with Spicegeist - sometimes I just cut the cells in question apart so
the non-germinated can stay i the domes. If that's not an option, then
dome off for all of them. Just keep cells moist - they will dry out faster.

Exactly. This is what I did this year, cut the cells out with sprouts and got them out of the dome and under the light, leaving the cells that had not yet popped under the dome.
Thanks for the ideas guys. I'm worried about the cells drying out for the ones that haven't come up yet, so I think I'll cut them out like suggested.
AAAHHHH!! Full blown aphid attack on my seedlings! I've pulled the trays out of my makeshift growing area and squished all the little fockers I could find with my fingers. :banghead: Some of the little guys are just getting their first leaves, and I'm too afraid to use anything on them. Anyway, here is an updated list of what is being feasted on:

7/12 - White Bullet Habanero
12/12 - Tangerine Habanero
12/12 - 7 Pot Yellow
4/6 - 7 Pot Jonah
4/6 - 7 Pot Primo
1/1 - 7 Pot Douglah
4/12 - Scorpion CARDI
6/12 - Scorpion Moruga
5/6 - Bhut Jolokia White
3/6 - Bhut Jolokia Red
10/11 - Quintisho
8/12 - Naga Morich

12/12 - Hawaiian
7/12 - Hawaiian Sweet Hot
1/6 - Amish Bush
2/12 - Tepin
3/6 - Pequin
11/12 - Early Jalapeno
6/6 - Chocolate Cherry
6/6 - Red Hot Cherry
10/12 - Long Cayenne
12/12 - Sofia Sweet
7/12 - Santaka
6/6 - Shishito

0/12 - CAP 499

9/12 - Purira

8/12 - Aji Crystal
8/12 - Aji Limon

1/6 - Turbo Pube
2/6 - Manzano Orange
0/6 - Rocoto Yellow