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Sharing the Love

My neighbor likes to stop by and BS and we always end up talking about my peppers. Hard not to as we're sitting/standing in the middle of them. Anyway he tells me he has a coworker that loves heat and can eat habs without much problem. Told the coworker about my little garden. Well the coworker started begging my neighbor to get him a Bhut Jolokia. Heard about them but never ate one. When my neighbor asked me for one of course I gave him one. I gave him a Douglah too for the guy.

He has eaten the Douglah and has fallen in love. Told my neighbor he made it without milk but for 10 minutes he was in some serious pain--and couldn't have been happier. Said by the time it was over his clothes were soaked from sweat, like he had been standing in a waterfall. Told my neighbor this is what he's been looking for. Doesn't get the rush from habs anymore but the Douglah remedied that. He was supposed to eat the Bhut yesterday. Haven't talked with the neighbor yet.

I gave the neighbor a 7 Primo yesterday and told him to let his friend know these are just plain miserable, can't wait to hear how that one went.

Don't you just love these heartwarming little stories? Makes the effort so much more worthwhile when we can share the love.

Anybody else have a nice story to share? EDIT: Or one that may have finally shut some "I can eat anything" person up? Those are the best.
i thought about sharing with my neighbors, but the nice dude downstairs was like "screw hot peppers, i can't stomach that stuff", and the girl i didn't like moved away.

as to why i haven't shared with others: pepper greed.
Awwww, ya broke his super hot cherry. How cuuuuuuute! lol
I am waiting until Monday for MY story. A guy that I work with has a neighbor that thinks he's hot shit because he can handle habanero's. (You know the drill.) So, I gave him a Yellow 7 to give his neighbor. I REALLY hope he puts the whole thing in his mouth! Wait, that sounds gay! lol I told my co-worker that IF the guy puts the whole thing in his mouth, he won't like him any more! I'll be back on this thread Monday.....
My neighbor got back to me and his buddy ate the Bhut Jolokia. Like it a lot but prefers the Douglah flavor. Said the heat was pretty much the same, made him sweat, hurt and happy all at the same time. His next taste is the 7 Primo. I am anxious for this reply, eating those monsters just plain old sucks.
the only thing i love more than burning myself up is seeing someone else burn up. especially the guys that say "they don't make anything hot enough for me"! thats my favorite type of victim! the sweating , the tears , the hiccups and me laughing so hard i feel like i'm gonna wet myself! it rules. i guess i'm just kinda sick like that!
i dont know much about 7 Primo i wanna try grow some next year if you can send me fresh seeds partick that would be nice ur PM is locked...

but for me i found that the Douglah way hotter than the red Bhut Jolokia
Sorry about that PepperLover. It's been fixed. I'd be happy to send you some 7 Primo seeds. Just send me your address via PM and we'll get it done.
Cool story. One of my sons friends, Joe (aged 12 then), was fascinated by chillis, said he loved the heat and was bugging me, asking loadsa questions...This was a couple of years ago and all I had in the way of heat were bog-standard Orange and Red Habs.
A few weeks later, I finally let him have one and he ate it, went through the motions...and I thought "thats that then"! But weeks later he gave me a ring from a nursery asking which ones etc and to this day grows and eats habs like they are going outta fashion. He's stoked that in a few weeks time I'll be giving him seedlings...7Pots, Scorps, Fatalli etc...
And he's such a quiet kid. No bravado, no bragging...just honest to goodness loves the burn :lol:
that's good to hear tooninoz.

to me it's all about sharing the love and also giving him the "addiction" of growing stuff. peppers are a gateway plant. lol.


i've been trying to get my classmates and friends to grow stuff too. sadly i've been unsuccessful.
great stories.

I had the oportunity to burn up some good friends, but I gave them the courtesy of a detailed warning. Two friends reported back after eating Bhuts, and both hardly got any sleep that night and had bubble-shits the next day. Funny thing is, both still ask me for peppers.

I also got one friend into growing them. He was a grower of other things(wink), and now he's addicted to growing peppers.
All I got back from my neighbor was he liked it. ?????

The guy is supposed to be coming over to pick up a couple of plants to over winter. He's never grown any before and I know I would rather have someone keeping them alive through the winter than tossing them out. I'll be asking for more details about the 7 Primo when I meet him.