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Hiusing is scheduled to spray all of the front yards with a herbicide.... they claim they can't enter the fenced-in backyards.... my plants are within 5' of the fence.... not sure how they are spraying or what exactly they are spraying....
Anything I can do other than pulling them and putting them in pots? All 29 of them?
rig a frame with sticks with a tarp over it to act as a wall in attempt to block any overspray?
rebelgrower3 said:
I say cover them with plastic sheeting until they spray.
Any worries about it reaching the roots? The front yards have timed sprinkler systems. The notice housing put out says it is safe once dried.... and another notice that was put out said it was for "board leaf weeds"....

Assuming it works above ground rather than attacking roots or I would assume they would have more notices other than its safe once it dries.... and I'm assuming it is somewhat specific to what it kills as all of the hiuses have plants and flowers around the fronts and sides and they didn't provide precautions concerning those....
Most herbicides only kill the roots because the leaves absorb the spray. I wouldn't think you have any worries about the roots just cover them good and you will be fine.