Shipping and Flying to a show...what to take and what to do without!

I am taking Feisty Parrot to the Houston Hot Sauce Festival, but due to time constraints and breaking in a new zookeeper (dogs are easy, 3 macaws...well it's a brave person who house sits for us!), I've decided to ship and fly rather than drive, which in essence sounds fine, until you start to add in all the items that you would normally load in the car...hand washing station, canopy, canopy weights, signs and it's becoming an interesting adventure...
Luckily I have some awesome people helping me, and have managed to borrow a canopy, but for those who have done a show this way before, how do you decide what to ship, what to purchase there and just leave and how much sauce to take? I would prefer not to have to ship anything back again...aaggghhhhh
Find out what the show supplies, (canopy?  Table? chairs?)
For hand washing- buy 2.5gal water bottles with the spigot there, Small bottles of soap, bleach, etc.
Be prepared for your stuff to get trashed during shipping no matter who you ship with.  I have to use UPS/FedEx as there's no place around that can do a pallet.  Both times I've shipped with UPS half the boxes got trashed, both there and back!  But even pallets get trashed.   LDHS found that out~