Shit load of pods for Canada - 50$

Hi guys,

i have a shitload of Pods to sell in canada (preference In QC near Rougemont) to save shipping.

im asking for 50$ i have a mix of about 40 variety and i dont even count all i have for sure there is a box of 1 feet cube of super hot and some other peppers.

so if anyone interested private message me!

i dont have time to turn all that into sauce!!!!

this is a Super way to test a lot of peppers and have a beepload of seeds for next year!
Sounds like a great collection. I believe that people normally put up a picture with this type of ad so that potential buyer can see exactly what they are getting.
lol i have too much to picturethem...

i have just to name some...

butch T
naga morich
7 pot chaguana red
7 pot chaguana orange (probably a mutant)
7 pot yellow
7 pot barrcakpore
peach bhut
red hot apper lantern
naga viper
choc scorp
choc fatali
ghost chili (bhut jolokia)
Biker billy Jalapeno
Red devil tongue
cherry bomb
douglah x butch T (orange pod)
Douglah x morouga (brown pod )
and much much more!!!!