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chinense Short Story of the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga from CPI

I have a friend who's wife is of Mexican descent and she absolutely loves spicy food. I've sent her 7 Pots, Scorpions, Bhuts and the like and have yet to impress her. She's like a machine. I sent her another package recently and I finally got her attention. I had told Dan about the TS Morouga from CPI having broke the 2 million Scoville mark but said I doubted if any I grew were even close to that but they could be real hot and to let his wife know before she tried one. He told me the day the package arrived she had a couple of cold ones and was in a rather festive mood. He opens the box and she's going through it and picks out one of the TSM's to try. My friend told her what I said and she scoffed at him and bit it in half. She ended up regretting that decision. Dan told me she took two steps then dropped to her knees. He said the sweat started pouring, tears and snot began running and she spent the rest of that evening in a slight daze mumbling about how hot "that SOB" was. My friend called it "weapons grade" heat. His wife has a he man cousin that insists there isn't a pepper hot enough to bother him. She's looking forward to introducing him to the TS Morouga.
Here's what they look like. They are decent size with a typical Scorpion flavor. Meaning you don't get much of a chance to taste it before it melts your face. I absolutely hated the taste test.

In spite of my slowness in getting them into the sun they are producing quite well. I would estimate 65-75 pods per plant. Pretty sure these will be on next years grow list.
Jeff H said:
Maybe, but have you ever noticed that after a few drinks, eating something 'weapons grade' hot starts to seem like a really good idea? After 5+ it seems like a great idea. 
Agree with that! After 5 or 6 drinks last weekend thought it would be a good idea to eat my first whole superhot. Very painful experience, but did enjoy the rush after! 
Isnt it "moruga" not "morouga" ?? As in the county/area in Trinidad in which they are native to? :D
Carry on fellas :)
Dale Jr
 that insists there isn't a pepper hot enough to bother him.
I have heard that a few times, last one was an x-neighbor, so I gave him a brainstrain at a party, and said theres a 20 in it if you can eat half, and not drink anything for 10 min
he made it, but threw up, turned white, bp spiked and thought he was having a heart attack, dumb sob never even noticed I didn't make a bet with him, it was worth 20 bucks to watch him, then hear him say he wont ever eat hot food again
I have one small plant that I will over winter, I have a person in mind to try one,  if my plant makes it I got a late start on it and the season is almost over for me, and the darn plant just has two little pods.
I hope it puts out better next year if it makes it, I need to get a few seeds to cover me in case it doesn't make it.
I need to get a real ripper of a pepper for this guy, so far he's had a Bhut , red congo, a Trinidad scorpion and a Naga Morich and hasn't broke a sweat, he's told me they were really hot, but he was expecting more heat, so I told him to wait till next summer and I would try to get a really hot one for him to try, If the moruga doesn't make it maybe my infinity or Primo might rip him a new one.
Any one have any info about the two compared to the Moruga?
Jeff H said:
Maybe, but have you ever noticed that after a few drinks, eating something 'weapons grade' hot starts to seem like a really good idea? After 5+ it seems like a great idea. 
Had that revelation 2 days ago.
Technically, yes. But I read somewhere that when Chris Phillips cmpman1974 first started distributing these seeds back in 1997 or so, he misspelled the name as "morouga," and since most people don't rename their peppers, the name stuck.

BakersPeppers said:
Isnt it "moruga" not "morouga" ?? As in the county/area in Trinidad in which they are native to? :D
Carry on fellas :)
Dale Jr
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Funny story, one a side note...has anyone noticed if you have a few beer or drinks in general before eating  hot pods the impact is worse?
For me it's the opposite. If I'm snacking after sipping I think "these aren't as hot as I thought they'd be". Snack the next morning sober and :hot:
Those pods are spot on!!!

I actually enjoy the flavor of the Morougas. With my lunch at work lately I have been taking a bite of one in between every 3 or 4 bites of my sandwich. Usually get halfway through it by the time my sandwich is gone and then attempt to hand it off. Definitely does not help weaken that whole "He is insane" thought pattern, but if insanity comes with this price tag I am willing to pay to play :D
Great responses gang! I haven't heard back of the cousin was impressed or not.
I just checked the CPI site and sadly they do not have any TS Morouga seeds available, just TS. Maybe they're out and more will be available next spring. I think I'll give them a shout and see.
I stuffed a bunch with bacon and cream cheese, and was planning to take them to a halloween party at a local bar.
Then I tried one.
I figured they would all know where I live.
Making them into a dip with warnings prominently posted instead.
I want to make converts, not enemies.
1 with scotch bonnets.
1 with TS Chocolate.
1 for the hardcore with TSM.
Maybe I should dilute it a bunch more?
Gonna be a lots of drunkun goin on. :confused:
I would like to know how the stuff turned out for you Gotrox.
I sliced about 125 of them up today for the dehydrator. Just cutting them in half had me sneezing, snot running and a wicked itchy sensation in the backamathroat. These things are evil.
I did talk with a young lady at the CPI a couple of days ago and found out they will have these seeds come January. Made my day.