Yup...just wait. Yard clippings, egg shells, coffee grounds put 'em in there, some manure is always a good thing!!! I stay away from stuff likely to attract raccoon but most of that will compost too...fish parts, table scraps...I cover my main compost area with plastic and have a soaker hose in there that runs on a timer so it stays nice and moist. About halfway through the season I will start mixing in topsoil and old potting mix and start a "new" pile for the green stuff to start the process over again. I also have a couple worm bins that get sifted and added when I start to build mixes. Top soil, compost, worm castings some peat and perlite...done. I also have a small bit of soaker in the worm bins...and the water that seeps through is the start of my teas along with about a cup of castings, a handful of hot compost, some fresh green clippings, and kelp I collect off the beach here. I use brown sugar or molasses to feed the tea and bam! Bubbly goodness!
Guru is the compost king...a lot to be learned from just cruising through his glog! You do need good soil to start with...and if you're just starting your composting it'll be a while before you can build your own soil.