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Should I pinch off early blooms?

I have a few plants my brother gave me around Easter, the biggest plants might be maybe 10" tall and the shortest about 7" there about and they're starting to grow blooms should I pinch them off and let the plants get a little bigger?,
I'd say yes, but it also depends on what type of plants. the blossoms fall off on their own if they are not ready to set fruit
[sup]Thanks Mega, the plants are Jalapeno, Cayenne and Hungarian. they are just in the beginning stage of the bloom so they just look like little green bb's [/sup]
Most people let annums go, so it's really up to you! If you are in a hurry to get pods I'd say leave em. If not pinch em off
i don't know, i might let them ride. especially the ten inchers. im no expert but it won't hurt them to let it ride in my opinion.
I was afraid they may out grow the plant. Will this keep the plants from growing bigger, I ask because I thought I read somewhere that pinching early will yield a bigger plant with more fruit.
When my plants are small still, I like to help them grow faster to reach a larger total size by the end of the season, so I pinch off early blooms until they are over 1 foot tall, BUT I also leave a small # of blooms for two reasons.

1) I'll be anxious to eat peppers.
2) I want to know for sure that the plant is what I think it is. This factor may affect me more than some people because most of my plants are from self-saved seed from plants subject to possible cross-pollination. I pretty much assume I'll have some crosses every year tho' they still taste good. :)