Should I remove these plants

I'm growing 7 pepper plants underneath one HID and found that 2 of them have started to show that they are diseased (at least that's what I think is going on).


The color is a little on the warm side due to the HID.
It's starting to take over the entire plant and was wondering if there's any hope or if I should just toss these two plants? Will keeping the plants next to the other healthy ones be detrimental to the other plants' survival?
I water them all the same way. I thought this was due to nutrient lock out before so I haven't used fertilizer for the past three waterings. Water is at 6.5 pH. The other plants seem to be fine though so not sure what I should do. They're also flowering still despite the leaves. I've pinched off a few flowers to redirect energy. A fan is also on them 24/7. Lights are 16 on, 8 off
I don't think it's disease yet.
Looks to me like you are cooking them.
Try backing the light away another foot or so.
I'm betting these are directly under the light and the healthier ones are farther towards the sides.
Pepper plants don't need the intensity of light like other herbal plants do
What's weird is these are the shortest of the bunch. There are two that are directly under the bulb and are fine. I'll back it off though and see how that goes.
two of the four plants in my hydro would get that on the leaves. Didn't seem to affect them in any other way. I believe it's a bacterial or fungal infection. Some of my seedlings had that on them in the spring and after being moved outside it went away. 
Don't think it's the dreaded BLS though. 
Different pepper plants respond to light differently.  I put white bhuts under hps last year, oh damn they did not like that.  Are the ones that are doing fine a different variety of 7 pot than the others?

Why not separate and put the sick ones under a cheap fluorescent shop light?  Kind of a kill two birds with one stone thing.
looks a little like Mag deficiency, could be rust though hard to tell from the pic, are the spots just black (Mag)or does it look like an infection.  Mag can be easily locked up by too much fert or moisture issues. speaking of which why is there so much perilite in your soil mix?
ajdrew said:
Different pepper plants respond to light differently.  I put white bhuts under hps last year, oh damn they did not like that.  Are the ones that are doing fine a different variety of 7 pot than the others?

Why not separate and put the sick ones under a cheap fluorescent shop light?  Kind of a kill two birds with one stone thing.
I'll look into getting a set of shop lights to see how it does. This is mainly a project I wanted to try this year as I've never grown anything from seed (or anything) before and so far it's been a trip. I actually forgot which variety these are from, I had a total of 8 different seeds from pepperlover and I tried germinating 6 of each. Then I slowly moved them up to red cups. These are the remains haha. I somehow mixed up the tags so it'll be a surprise when I see them start to grow actual peppers.
Topsmoke said:
looks a little like Mag deficiency, could be rust though hard to tell from the pic, are the spots just black (Mag)or does it look like an infection.  Mag can be easily locked up by too much fert or moisture issues. speaking of which why is there so much perilite in your soil mix?
I'm using Pro-Mix HD as I'm not familiar with what mix to use and not sure. It all seems to puddle up when I water them and then they get left at the top. The way I did my potting was wet a bit of the soil mix as I filled the pots. Then when it was full, I'd mix it. After that I transplanted the plant.
D3monic said:
two of the four plants in my hydro would get that on the leaves. Didn't seem to affect them in any other way. I believe it's a bacterial or fungal infection. Some of my seedlings had that on them in the spring and after being moved outside it went away. 
Don't think it's the dreaded BLS though. 
Yeah, I'm just going to stick it out and see where this project goes. My goal was to get at least one pepper growing since this is my first time planting anything!