Should I top these? Where?

First off - I know some look in bad shape, the temps dropped to 40's and it's rained for 5 days. Unless you think they're yellowing from something other than a lack of sunlight
Wondering if I should top any of these peppers and where to do so
1) L-R: Goat Horn, Bahamian, Habanero Red, Cayenne -
2) L-R: Datil, Habanada, Lemon Drop, Scotch Bonnet -
3) L-R: Orange Hab, Aji Benito, Bulgarian Carrot, Golden Cayenne -


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I don't see a need to, but I'd consider how strong vs flimsy the stems are and whether they should be staked/supported as protection against wind damage.
I think the yellowing is from lack of nutrients, not sun, most likely from over-watering due to rain. Can you set them under a cover so they get the sun but not the rain?
CaneDog said:
I don't see a need to, but I'd consider how strong vs flimsy the stems are and whether they should be staked/supported as protection against wind damage.
I think the yellowing is from lack of nutrients, not sun, most likely from over-watering due to rain. Can you set them under a cover so they get the sun but not the rain?
I actually had them inside during the rain since the temps dropped to the 40's. I hadn't been watering them too much but the soil looked dry today so I gave them healthy drink before putting them outside. Hopefully I didn't do them more harm than good, shoot. 
Good deal.  I try to keep my peppers out of the rain when the weather is cool.  That yellowing can also occur when they start getting big for their containers and no longer can pull enough nutrients from the soil.  Or other reasons.  It doesn't look like anything bad though.  I wouldn't have even thought to mention anything it if you hadn't. 
You have a good list of varieties. Good luck with them!
EACLWB said:
Are they from Cross Country Nurseries?  Just curious.
They definitely have that CCN look, lol. That while Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree look. CCN saved my grow my first year, and helped fill in some blanks the second year, but I'm so stoked to have only plants i started from seed for once. I hate spending all that money for flimsy plants...

I wouldn't top, mostly bc at this point, you probably want to conserve as much mass as you can. I agree that they're yellow due to either a lack of nutes or possibly you're getting rootbound. Sooner you get to plant-out, the better...
Sure, you can prune all you want... I'm not surprised that Tepin grew back and produced... But at this point in the season, a lot of pruning would be a setback for sure. It's not like you chopped that Tepin back in May and it produced by that August, right??
Just one guy's opinion - but until you get to be a ninja level grower, topping is just "fiddling".  I'm more inclined to advise growers to get really good at growing, before resorting to tricks and gimmicks.  Once you know how a plant is supposed to grow naturally, you'll be much more adept at understanding whether or not something actually has a legitimate effect.
Again, just my opinion.
I got several CB Christmas looking seedlings from CCN this year AGAIN. Im pretty much done buying seedlings online unless i see something i just got to have. I got 3 JPGSs from another vendor, one had to be topped and its not even close in size or foliage as the other two plants.
The CCN CBs look pretty nice now though considering the poor weather we got all June.