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Should I transfer

I have Chocolate habaneros in 2 gallon pots, should I transfer to 5 gallons? Also is it too stressful since they are pretty healthy and have pods? I grew them from seed and I would hate to murder them now!
Depends on how you handle your plants? if you take the weight spread evenly in you hand & upside the pot it shouldn't be a problem.


yes i would

as long as it can be done without bracking the root ball, and from the pic that should not be a problem,
you will only be doing them a world of good
thanks your friend joe
Go ahead and upgrade to a 10 or larger, you will be glad you did. You're already going to have to transfer it, so make it worth the time and effort.
I think THP trifecta is to go big always

Bigger pot = bigger plant = more fruit

As Mezo points out.. transfer doesn't have to be a traumatic process.. in fact when done right it is very beneficial to the plant because it gives it room to grow.

In the future, I wouldn't wait until they are actually producing pods, but with several months left in your growing season... I'd say it is worth the effort.

With one exception to Mezo's fine picture, I'd emphasize that pulling the root bail out intact is one of the more important parts. If you can't release it intact from the pot, just go ahead and sacrifice your pot (cut the plastic with some pruning shears, smash the ceramic with a hammer, etc.) You can mechanically damage either the above ground part or the under ground part if you are not careful.

Don't do that.. just cut the pot away without disturbing the root bail and place it in its new home, and you will have a much better, successful, highly producing plant in the long run.
I agree with the "go ahead and pot up" comments...

One other comment I will offer is that I have found that potting up in stages produces a more compact rootball thus a healthier plant IMO...5 gallon is as big as I go for first year plants but there are three transplants between that and seed starting....from the seed starting trays to 3" containers, to 6 inch containers, then to 5 gallon...if I had more energy, I would probably go to a 2 gallon between the 6" and 5 gallon container but with the number of plants I grow, it can get a little labor intensive....

for 1st year overwinters, I leave them in the 5 gallon containers until plantout, then repot to 10 gallon containers...for 2nd year overwinters, I leave them in the 10s and tranplant to 25s for third year...that's about as big as I go...
Thanks guys! I appreciate all of the feedback, I think I'm hooked already so I'm sure you will be seeing more of me! I will probably start a truncated grow list for this year since I came to this forum kind of late in the season. I do have a Bhut Jolokia in a 3.5 gal pot and some Devil's tongue that I put in a giant 30 gal pot. There is 3 in a massive stone pot and they are growing like weeds! I'll post some pics as soon as I can!

I used the fake terracotta plastic pots (that I probably paid too much for) and they have a nice open mouth so they shouldn't be too hard to pull out. I did go from a seed bed (mistake), to 3x3.5 pots then 1gal then to, what I thought were sufficient at the time, the current pots.
I grew some habs and cayenne last year, but this is really the first year I would consider to be a "grow year" for me.
Start yourself a Glog Martin (with pics of course) id like to see where your at & follow your progress.

Good luck anyhow,

Thanks Mezo,
I fully intend to, I actually have pics from seedlings until now that I will post. Its a long work day today though!