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Should I worry?

Yesterday the plants were doing fine. Today after work I see that the tops of at least a dozen plants( some in pots and some in ground) are falling or curling down. The ground is moist, no real wind to speak of, temp was 94F today.


any ideas?

94 is warm mine do that after a day of good hot sun i bet if u go out late late at night early early mornin they will be standing back up and stretching out :beer:
it looks like its just heat stress, the temp was very high 94 degrees is alot but as long as you water at night

not too much to worry about just water at night as soon as the sun goes down completely , i do this especially when it gets that hot and also you should use a teaspoon of Epsom salt watered in at the base do this once a month,my plant love me for it, SRBII is right they will spring back on there own but every little bit helps, on the outset your plants look great!! :dance:

what are they??

thanks your friend Joe
It takes time to adjust to that kind of heat.
Even then it's still tough on them and scares me $hitless when it gets that hot!!

BTW, you have a real nice setup!!
Thanks guys.

I went out about an hour ago and not much has changed. We'll see how they are doing in the A.M. when I head off to work.

I can't recall everything I have that has survived this far but I will try.

Naga Morich
Douglah SR
Lemon Drop
Red Savina Habanero
White Bullet Habanero
Trinidad Congo
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI, yellow
Red Hot Paper Lantern
7 Pod yellow
7 Pod Brain Strain
Purple Serrano
Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet, Red
NuMex R Naky
California Wonder Bell pepper
Red Bell
Yellow Bell
Gypsy Pepper
Uba Tuba
Bhut Jolokia

Still others but don't recall. I need to go through all the plants this week and see what I still have.

EDIT: Temp forecast for the next week is mid 90's and up. No rain either and boy am I glad to have the drip installed.
If the problem continues they might benefit from some silicon nutrient. Apparently it strengthens the cell walls or something like that.
there is no problem in that.. just that it might have been a hot day...! they will usually pickup by evening /night. when its cooler. maybe if you are worried then moved your plant away from direct sunlight.
When I left at 4:30 they were still bent down.

Just yesterday I had to remove 7 out of ~70 tomato plants due to disease. I sure hope that nothing is getting into the peppers this year. Last year went well overall so I will be a sad boy if it goes tits up this year.

I should be getting off work around noon and will promptly be heading home.
I don't think it has anything to do with disease.

Just make sure the soil isn't dry after the sun goes down.
In a couple of weeks they will be stronger and you'll stop seeing this behavior.

Thanks guys.

I went out about an hour ago and not much has changed. We'll see how they are doing in the A.M. when I head off to work.

I can't recall everything I have that has survived this far but I will try.

Naga Morich
Douglah SR
Lemon Drop
Red Savina Habanero
White Bullet Habanero
Trinidad Congo
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI, yellow
Red Hot Paper Lantern
7 Pod yellow
7 Pod Brain Strain
Purple Serrano
Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet, Red
NuMex R Naky
California Wonder Bell pepper
Red Bell
Yellow Bell
Gypsy Pepper
Uba Tuba
Bhut Jolokia

Still others but don't recall. I need to go through all the plants this week and see what I still have.

EDIT: Temp forecast for the next week is mid 90's and up. No rain either and boy am I glad to have the drip installed.

great you really cant go wrong with watering at night unless of course your getting too much rain


im growing a few of them myself what naga?? im growing the black strain :)

keep in touch let us know how your babies are doing, mine are having it worse than yours right now but there on the mend so you dont have to feel too bad, i had stress and sun scald, this crappy weather has got to go!!! :pray: :banghead:

thanks your friend JOE
I have noticed that some chinense and baccatums will "curl down" from dusk til dawn and straighten back out during the day. If they are floppy then it may be heat/water stress, if they are stiff when bent/curled, it is just a natural day/night thing.
there hasn't been a good rain here in at least 1.5 months so no real chance of over watering here. All of the peppers are on 0.5GPH drippers. I'm not sure which naga morich this is going to be but that was what the seed were labeled as.
Using silicone intrigues me. I guess it would be a trace mineral? Do you have any links for the stuff you've read about it?
Nothing to worry about Mike this is normal when your plant are growing fast and lots green growth at the tips. I take this as a good sign my plants are very happy, they will straighten out and grow normally. I also think it is the plants way of spreading out instead of just straight up all the time, it gets to feel around and spread its wings a bit. Plants are looking really good from what I can tell, lots of flowering and pods starting. Nice work. :clap:
Don't have a link because I bought it from a nursery stall at a farmers market.
But to make it easier to search for:
Silicone is the hardware stuff you squirt out of a tube to seal gaps and stuff.
Silicon is the element with the symbol Si.
And the liquid nutrient I have is called Silica. It's such an old bottle that the label is most faded and ripped off so can't make out where its from or anything else. I do know that it is a mineral often overlooked as a trace element and missing from many "complete nutrient" mixes. I also read that the plants need it to be present throughout their life. ie .they can only use it immediately and not store it.
There is info about it somewhere on this site too, that's where I first heard about it.
Mine have done that too in extreme heat. At night, they perk back up. I haven't watered them in days, so it's not a big deal. I wouldn't worry unless the problem continues to worsen and the plants haven't regained composure before sunrise, in which case you may need to water more frequently.

Though there is a caveat- in my experience plants will also do that in response to be overwatered or overfertilized, not sure which (though I'm going with the former). I've been doing my fertilizing regimen on Wednesdays, and last week I forgot to check the moisture levels in the soil before fertilizing. Within half an hour most of my plants had severely drooped, but once the pore space opened back up they perked up again.

Problems of this nature are usually temporary and not to be overly concerned with.
Some are still curled down whie others have recovered. I think I'll get up an hour or so early and turn on the water. Maybe 2 hours since they are on 1/2 gallon an hour drippers.

I've been running the water for an hour or so a day lately. The dirt is staying moist but not soaked.