Shout from the Third Coast

Hello.. :eh:  I'm a bit of a newbie to gardening down here on the Gulf Coast. Peppers and tomatos seem to thrive here, so that's what I experiment with. I work with raised garden beds ( 4'X4'X12" and 4'X4'X6" ) and 5 gallon buckets outdoors, and old school Aerogardens indoors. I'm always on the look out for new plants to try, and am currently actively researching colourful/hopefully with a bit of heat peppers (read 12" max tall) that I might grow in my Aerogarden. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated folks!
:welcome: to the THP forums from SC!! The plant profile your looking for would be the 'ornamental' varieties (while known for their show stopping colored pods/foliage- most are indeed edible, some can be quite hot as well. Most of them do get to be over 12" (12-24"), but quite a few are in the range of 12-18" (some even in the 6" range). With pruning I imagine you could manage keeping smaller some of the larger growing ones if you wanted to grow any of them. May want to post this topic/question in the growing forums so people with specific experience growing small/ornamental peppers might have a better chance to see and chime in and post.
Look here (more than plenty to choose from!!) - Best of luck with your grow!!
I'm new to this forum, too.  I love ornamentals as well.  They're what attracted me to peppers. I currently have Bellingrath Gardens, Chinese Five Colors, Holiday Time, and Bishop's Hat seeds/pods available if you would like to try growing them.  The first of Holiday Time pods just turned red.  I haven't tasted them.  So I don't know if they're hot.  Bellingrath Gardens and Chinese Five Colors have some heat.  Bishop's Hat is not spicy.  I only grow it to look at the nice pods.  I also have some Tiny Tim tomato seeds available.  I bought them and sowed 12 seeds, 11 sprouted and I end up with 11 plants (well, 10 now, I gave one to a friend).  PM me if interested in any. 