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I'm finally getting some nice ripe pods


From top left going clockwise:

Congo Trinidad
Bonda ma Jacques
Thai Hot

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That Thai Hot is intriguing! I love the white look while under ripe! With that said, however… It looks absolutely nothing like the Thai Hot from Bonnie Plants (the only source I know of with a specific pepper variety called Thai Hot, or the one people are usually referring to when calling a pepper by that name). If there is another 'Thai Hot' out there, that's great - can't ever have enough Thai varieties!!
I happened to actually pick up a single plant of the one from Bonnie this year at Home Depot, and thankfully it hasn’t died yet from the heat. It’s the only one in 3+ years that has actually survived my blazing balcony and is producing fruits! (it was really just for fun/an experiment… didn’t have high hopes for it)
There is definitely zero white during its ripening (starts neon green, then darkens to an army green/almost black, and finally to bright red), and the pod shapes couldn’t be more different! Very interesting! They're all beautiful peppers! I agree with Scovie, that Datil looks awesome and mighty tasty!!  :D
Here are a few more pods, mostly new to me:


Left to right:

Madame Jeanette x Goronong
Vezena Piperka
Tekne Dolmasi
Crunch Sweet Orange

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