• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year.

Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.
Also, I have 3 manzano pepper plants in 1 22 inch pot. This is my first time growing C. Pubescens. Do you think they will be crowded in that pot?


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Sherry said:
Also, I have 3 manzano pepper plants in 1 22 inch pot. This is my first time growing C. Pubescens. Do you think they will be crowded in that pot?
22 inches, that's around 16 quarts of NotWyomingDirt potting mix, right?
Well, consider that I'm trusting my overwinter Pubes to 1-per-12 inch pot. That's a minimum 8 quarts of soil. I'm not getting any complaints, though none of my OWs are giants like the Manzanos can be.
I bet three in a pot can be ok, but a big roomy container will promote growth--Root systems abhore a vacuum...I'm planning to put my larger Rocotos in 7-20 gallon tubs, but that's just me making a lot of work for myself. As some have said, you feed what you got accordingly...
Good luck!
*edit* It's snowing there right now, isn't it...Egad, as much fun as WY could be........ :mope:
Sherry said:
Oh, but the 2nd link..
So what is the consensus on grapes for ladybugs? I do have some "ladybird nectar." It is a powder that you mix with water. But lots of things are flowering g in the greenhouse right now, so I think they can get to natural nectar.
I think in the second post the grapes were put into the container with the bugs, not into their environment after release. I've read that putting out some sugary liquid after release is helpful in keeping them around when they don't have lots of aphids to chow on.  The few times I've released LB's they moved along their way fairly soon, so I figure it might be worth doing something to encourage an extended stay.  Then again, it sounds like your greenhouse is pretty active right now, so you may not need anything more.
 it's been raining for what seems like months, the garden is a big puddle and 9 out of the next 10 days calls for rain.
Temps have been in the mid 40's at night and high 50's during the day and most of the plants are doing well, some tabasco's and a couple biquinho red's are stressing a little, but not to worried.. I need some sun!!!
Here's the plant I posted 10 days ago, the one that snapped off one of its laterals. (post 275) It's showing some great new growth at the stem. I know, nothing out of the ordinary, but I'm interested in how this one grows out compared to the others. 

stettoman said:
First OW to go outside, north side of house, all shade but for an hour and a half of full sun, morning and evening. Rocoto Rojo, flowering up AND setting fruit...

I wound up "brighening" the pic a bit. Sorry.
Alright, setting some fruit already! 
Good growing, Eric! You have taken up
the OW scene head-on!
PaulG said:
Alright, setting some fruit already! 
Good growing, Eric! You have taken up
the OW scene head-on!
It didn't take long to figure the base requirements these guys demand to produce something, most a gently sub-temperate long-term flowering climate (70 degsF, give or give a few), virtually no direct sunlight (though my first experience with Aji Oro was full on sun and they produced a BUNCH), a small drink of water when they ask (and they do), and fercryinoutloud lay off the heavy nutes!
I've found some people to take some of my too-many peppers this season (people I know, people who WILL love them because they've been inflicted with them before, pepper people who before now thought the limit of MN pepper growing was an obsessively tended Habanero), and that takes a lot of the pressure off to trying to find space for full grow'd plants.
Some of the kids will be transferred to the 5 gallon bags this weekend...I hate to think how many I'll actually consider adding to the OW harem!!!!