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Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year.

Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.
This will be my first time growing Pubescens. I've got some Rocoto Melons going. I'm on my last few seeds of Costa Rican Yellows that I'm trying to germinate. So far I've had no luck the the yellows. If these last few don't germinate, that type will be a total bust for me for the year.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Checkout the size of these rocoto seeds. Im sure the ones i got were way smaller. My buddy in Idaho grew these plants from the seeds i got. He sent me some pods last year and i saved the seeds.
What part of Idaho is you friend in? If he seems to have good luck with a certain type of pubescens, I should probably try the same as I live right on the Washington/Idaho border and am probably the same climate as he is.
stettoman said:
Spokane, coolness!! Is Gatsby's still around? The Pioneer Pies?
I don't think they are. I've been here almost 10 years but I've never heard of them. Keep in mind, I don't get out much, lol. I just work and hang at home with my wife and kids.
Too bad you are not closer. He has an extra Reaper or two that look killer. Seeds from Puckerbutt.

Last year i sent him the same rocoto seeds i got. He had pods galore most of the season. I didnt get squat till the very end and most didnt have time to ripen. So those 2 varieties love that climate. The original seeds are no doubt smaller than the seeds from last years pods.....Cant figure out how that would happen. The size difference is quite a bit larger.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Too bad you are not closer. He has an extra Reaper or two that look killer. Seeds from Puckerbutt.

Last year i sent him the same rocoto seeds i got. He had pods galore most of the season. I didnt get squat till the very end and most didnt have time to ripen. So those 2 varieties love that climate. The original seeds are no doubt smaller than the seeds from last years pods.....Cant figure out how that would happen. The size difference is quite a bit larger.
Those do look nice! I've got a red reaper and a chocolate reaper going already though. What kind of pubes was it that he had so much success with? I'd like to pick up some seeds for them and give them a try this year.
FITN said:
Those do look nice! I've got a red reaper and a chocolate reaper going already though. What kind of pubes was it that he had so much success with? I'd like to pick up some seeds for them and give them a try this year.
TGCM Mini Red Rocoto and Miraflores Market orange/yellow Rocotos. The mini reds did better IIRC but both did pretty freaking good.
I can spare seeds if you want to try them. They will be from the Idaho plants. Open pollinated so the could have crossed.

Look back at this post of mine, post #131 and #136 for pics of his plants. They were loaded with pods by mid/late July
ShowMeDaSauce said:
TGCM Mini Red Rocoto and Miraflores Market orange/yellow Rocotos. The mini reds did better IIRC but both did pretty freaking good.
I can spare seeds if you want to try them. They will be from the Idaho plants. Open pollinated so the could have crossed.

Look back at this post of mine, post #131 and #136 for pics of his plants. They were loaded with pods by mid/late July
That would be awesome! I would love to give them! I'll leave the extra room considering the yellow costa Rican I've got are refusing to germinate. I can replace them with seeds that have been proven to grow well in my climate. I really appreciate it!
ShowMeDaSauce said:
TGCM Mini Red Rocoto and Miraflores Market orange/yellow Rocotos. The mini reds did better IIRC but both did pretty freaking good.
I can spare seeds if you want to try them. They will be from the Idaho plants. Open pollinated so the could have crossed.

Look back at this post of mine, post #131 and #136 for pics of his plants. They were loaded with pods by mid/late July
Huge shout-out! ShowMeDaSauce hooked me up big time with seeds! I can't thank you enough! I've got them in wet paper towels as we speak. Hopefully it's not to far into the year for them to produce by fall. I'll keep you all posted as to their progress.


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