Some updates from today!
First, starting with the potted plants that are on the shadier side of the house: L to R Ecuadorian Red PFH, Rocoto Turbo, Rocoto de Seda (all in 5 gallon pots, up-potted around 5/25)
Here's a closer look at the ERPFH in the pot. It is starting to form flower buds.
The Rocoto de Seda in the pot, also forming flower buds:
The potted Rocoto Turbo, yes with flower buds!
Here are my plants in 7-gallon grow bags: from left to right Rocoto Turbo, Rocoto de Seda, Ecuadorian Red PFH. The chinense in the 5-gallon pot is the Trinidad Scorpion from my original seed line.
The ERPFH is doing well in the grow bag. It got a little sad looking, so I gave it a half strength shot of an NPK balanced fertilizer and it greened right up. The soil surface looks dry but it's not as dry throughout as it appears. It will be watered this evening.
The Rocoto de Seda in the grow bag, also looking pretty happy after some fert. Note that these plants are in almost full sun. They're nicely developing flower buds.
Last but not least: my Rocoto Turbo in the grow bag-with flowers!
...aaand after a crappy day of work I came home and found...
My Rocoto Turbo has set its first fruit! After 20 years of growing peppers, this is my first time growing any C. pubescens and I am really excited about this one!
@CaneDog and
@Pepper-Guru I had to tag you on this!
It looks like we have some hot weather coming, >90 degrees F, so I am going to leave the potted ones in the shade, and bring the ones in the grow bags into the screened porch and leave the fan on. Hopefully the shade and fan offsets the stress from the heat.
Thanks for looking!!