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Sick as hell, is this normal?

This year I decided to grow alot of super hots, never tried them before except for hot sauces, Holy Jolokia and Naga SoreAss. Well I got my first Ripe Bhut Jolokia on Tuesday. I minced some of the pepper and put it on my guacamole-burger. It was awesome taste wise, but its now Thursday and I'm still in pain. I'm having stomach cramps among other associated problems(lol). I just want to know if this is normal, because I'm about to go see a doctor if its not. I eat hot stuff everyday, but this was my first time eating the raw pepper.

BTW, the pepper had a very small spot on the bottom, which I believe was BER. So I just cut that part off and ate the good part. Would that cause any problems?
I've had similar problems when eating anything super spicy or anything that makes my stomach acidic.

I usually drink lots of water and drink antacid or eat lots of vegetables. That keeps the acidity in my stomach down.

If that doesnt help then let's hope it isnt anything bad.
has there been an exit yet or is it resting in the bowels? sounds like more evacuation needed LOL i sympathize-gut pain can double over any man-hope get well
has there been an exit yet or is it resting in the bowels? sounds like more evacuation needed LOL i sympathize-gut pain can double over any man-hope get well

There are no problems there, thats what I meant by "other associated problems". I have been pissing out my ass since Wednesday morning. I have been downing Pepto, but it doesnt seem to help. I'm going to try some Imodiam AD(SP?).
This all sounds like a Tale from the Loo story we need to all hear about. Sorry to hear about your discomfort, but it will pass. (pun intended) I had a friend react the same way after consuming way to much of my nuclear salsa. There is a reason I bring it to work only on Friday, he had the whole weekend to recover. He still looked like a mashed grapefruit come monday....... :fireball:
Not sure if it is normal or not but maybe a spot of food poisoning? Did you wash the pepper before consuming? I had a mild salmonella case this year (injested raw chicken) and I took 5 imodium and it didn't slow me down at all. Worst cramps and pain Id ever had and rearend was sore from whiping and ummm yeah...vomiting, the whole 9 yards. Vomiting stopped but diarrhea was terrible...every 3-4min...ever had dry heaves while puking? Yeah, get the equivalent out the other end. Laying in the floor infront of the toilet in fetal position, scared to go to the dr because Id poo myself before I even got out of the driveway, finally got a prescription of little white pills (Ill look them up for your reference later if you want) and wife went and picked them up. Take one, then one again after each bowel movement thereafter, max of 8 per 24hr period.....................let me tell you what, imodium aint got shit on this stuff (no pun intended either). Relief within an hour..........didnt poop for 5 days after that either lol Like a bear coming out of hibernation I was, but that was better than the cramps and water (litterally before it eventually when to "dry heaves" diarrhea I had every couple minutes.

Ok so that went way off topic.....moral of the story, convince your doctor you need some of those little white anti diarrhea pills I have.......never leave home with them now, got real sick one other time too since then and had to use them when imodium wouldnt stop it. :crazy:
It's happened to me before, but it usually goes away the next day after, eh, unclogging the pipes. It's rare that it lasts two or more days, and by then it's just kind of there, no longer really major or noticeable. I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, though I doubt that it has anything to do with it; I have yet to be able to make a connection between hot peppers/hot food and the serious bloating and stomach pains and cramps I occasionally get. From recent memory the last couple times it happened after eating McDonald's, and again one day after eating some potato chips.

Meanwhile, I've been eating stuff hotter than I ever knew existed before, avoiding anything potatoes (don't really like them anyway), haven't really ate much fast food in the last couple years, and I can't remember the last time I've had that intense pain of IBS.

Try eating some bread and/or vegetables, avoiding high fructose corn syrup for a while (good luck with that though!), and going light on the heat for a bit. I agree with thaichillihead, you probably still have some peppers that need flushing...
It's either a bad case of pepper gut or something was wrong with your Burger. Could have been bad meat as I've had the same thing happen to me from that as well.
I hope you feel better.
I would put money on a incomplete cooking of the burger and the meat not being up to snuff, that being said...... my screen name says thousands.....there are certain peppers that are ingested hot and come out hot and bhut jolokia is one of those. I have a powder that I sprinkle on items and I know the next day I am in for a long throne sitting.

Always remember e coli is present is many foods and hamburg is one of those that has to have its internal temperature hit the kill zone, why you could have gotten the bug from untreated milk.

Speedy recovery mate.
I agree with those that have suggested it may be a touch of food poisoning, any gut pain i have had from chilli has passed within a couple of hours, not days.
Thanks for the advice everyone, I really appreciate it. Everything is under control now! Left work half-way through the day yesterday, stopped an got some Immodiam, ate a bunch of bread and we are back in business! Although I'm going to lay off the hot stuff for a few more days.
I have had gut cramps from extract sauces and eating too much Hab's. It usually passes in a couple hours. Well you're over it now. Try increasing the fiber in your diet.
If you get gut pain again take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 4 oz of water, pain will go a way in about 1 hour, if is the Chile if not = bad meat
Sorry to jump in so late, and I hope you are feeling better.

I learned a few years ago when I developed superbad reflux was to eat hard fruits, like apples and pears to help with the acid. Also for control if you are prone to AR like I am, get thee to a Walmart, get the $4.00 Equate Acid Reducer (Ranitidine). Take 2 before eating Holy-Hot food, and go from there.
I had the same thing happen to me while I was at work earlier this week. I made a batch of salsa from some left over peppers I had previously cut up from a week ago. They still looked good enough to use, so I blended them up with some dried Bhuts. Took to work with me to have with some chips as a morning snack. But, my stomach was in a state of disaster until mid afternoon. :( The bad thing about it was that I couldn't tell if it was food poisoning or pms cramps, since pepto wasn't touching the cramps.

Yeah, next time, I'm def going to be a little bit more cautious. :doh:
I feel ya on that one Florida! (And everyone else thats had stomach problems.) I have a lot of stomach problems, even without hot peppers. I usually have to chew the hell out of a pepper, then just swallow a little.
Im glad you're feeling better though man!
Another HOT POOPER...