I bought this plant at a market 2 weeks ago. I repotted it into good potting mix and then put it in a semi-shady spot, as the sun here is pretty strong at this time of the year. It's been getting a bit of rain, not too much, and if the soil is dry I am giving it a drink (about every 3rd day the potting mix seems dry).
As you can see, the leaves are curling, there are some small holes in the leaves and the margins of some leaves are quite yellow. When I got the plant, it had 3 fruit on it, 2 of which were mouldy inside, and the 3rd was green. When I picked it, it was good. The plant had flowered profusely when I brought it home, and there is green fruit all over the plant.
I have moved it out of its protected spot for the day, as normally it would be in danger of being knocked over by some dogs.
From what I've been reading on this forum, the likely culprits would be (in no particular order)
a. not enough sun
b. not enough water
c. caclium/magnesium deficiency
d. transplant shock
Any help?

As you can see, the leaves are curling, there are some small holes in the leaves and the margins of some leaves are quite yellow. When I got the plant, it had 3 fruit on it, 2 of which were mouldy inside, and the 3rd was green. When I picked it, it was good. The plant had flowered profusely when I brought it home, and there is green fruit all over the plant.
I have moved it out of its protected spot for the day, as normally it would be in danger of being knocked over by some dogs.

From what I've been reading on this forum, the likely culprits would be (in no particular order)
a. not enough sun
b. not enough water
c. caclium/magnesium deficiency
d. transplant shock
Any help?
