About a month ago some of my peppers started getting these small round "sores" on them. They are roughly round, lightcolored soft spots. The spots range in color from white to yellow to light green, I have never seen them darken. The spots are not mushy but are slightly softer than the surrounding flesh. A friend of mine who saw them said she thought i might be slightly underwatering them so I upped my watering shedule. This made it worse. Not only are more peppers showing these spots, More spots are appearing on the peppers and now i have small black spots on the leaves. It is present on my Jalapenos and Scorpions but not on more than pepper or two per plant. My mystery peppers ( the yellow ones, Aje dulce maybe?) have about half of the peppers affected. My Dragon Thais so far appear to be immune.
Ive looked around online and found one or two things "kinda sorta" like it but nothing that fits the bill. Does anyone know whats wrong with my plants? and if so if i can fix it?
Ive looked around online and found one or two things "kinda sorta" like it but nothing that fits the bill. Does anyone know whats wrong with my plants? and if so if i can fix it?