As far as growing conditions go, the temperatures have been between 100 - 108 for highs and 80-85 at night for lows. The plants do have shade from 10-3. I have been limiting their watering to about 3-4 hours once a week through my drip tape which is .6gph per emitter.
My tomatoes, which are on the same watering zone, are now showing signs of BER as well. The soil they are in was ammended with plenty of calcium to begin with, so FarmerGuy, I am going to take your advice and up the watering.
I have always mostly grown in containers with Pro-Mix so I have been expecting to see the plants wilt when they need watering, which I really haven't seen even with the 100+ temperatures everyday. I am always afraid of overwatering, last year overwatering ruined my crop and gave me tons of pods that werent hot.
My tomatoes, which are on the same watering zone, are now showing signs of BER as well. The soil they are in was ammended with plenty of calcium to begin with, so FarmerGuy, I am going to take your advice and up the watering.
I have always mostly grown in containers with Pro-Mix so I have been expecting to see the plants wilt when they need watering, which I really haven't seen even with the 100+ temperatures everyday. I am always afraid of overwatering, last year overwatering ruined my crop and gave me tons of pods that werent hot.