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Silver Surfer's Hab or Hab Not 7-21-09

I prefer my cheap coffee grinders(blade type) to my magic bullet for well ground spice, and they are usually less than $10
Personally I only grind up as much powder as needed for a short period of time since dried intact pods keep their flavor/color a lot longer than powders. The only problem is the extra space that they take up when whole.
I prefer my cheap coffee grinders(blade type) to my magic bullet for well ground spice, and they are usually less than $10
Personally I only grind up as much powder as needed for a short period of time since dried intact pods keep their flavor/color a lot longer than powders. The only problem is the extra space that they take up when whole.

+1 - I do the same as Potawie
FiveStar said:
So how do you go about storing your whole dried pods? In bags, jars? In the cupboard, fridge, or freezer?

Jars in the cupboard, anything dry and dark will do great. I never hade the luck of harvesting so much that space was an issue... :(
I had some vaccuum sealed peppers but I usually just ziplock them. You can also use silica gel packs to keep moisture out and store in a cool dark place. Another option might be those vaccum sealed canisters??
I also string up some ristras with smaller thin walled peppers. These just hang somewhere in the kitchen and get used, but are ornamental too.
Aji Chombo said:
Wow, that is just art, SS. Fantastic looking pods.

Nice powder as well. How many pods did it take you to get those filled roughly?

Thanks AC, I didn't keep track of the # of pods, but it was a LOT, probably over 5 pounds of pods. The container on the left is Naga, middle Datil/Fatalii and right is Red Hab powder. The Red Habs were the only ones that had the seeds removed b4 drying.

patrick said:
SS according to the literature it can chop to a very fine level. For a measly $20 I think I'll get one myself, can always use it for chopping garlic.:)

Amazon has it with free shipping and after reading their reviews and looking at pics of the blade assembly it should work fine for your garlic chopping, but for chile powder I don't think it fills the bill.

I prefer my cheap coffee grinders(blade type) to my magic bullet for well ground spice, and they are usually less than $10
Personally I only grind up as much powder as needed for a short period of time since dried intact pods keep their flavor/color a lot longer than powders. The only problem is the extra space that they take up when whole.

If there is a problem with flavor/color loss I think I'll store it in air tight containers in the freezer to counter that problem, but some of my spice containers have been in the fridge for over a year and I haven't noticed that problem with them. Maybe chili powder is different.