• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Silver_Surfer ?? MIA

The Internet ebbs and flows because its so easy to be transient in nature and come and go as you please .. yearning for old times on an Internet forum is like yearning for your youth when you are old ... its not going to happen so enjoy your current time with new members and experience..who knows ... you might enjoy it? ;)
In saying that I love when an older experienced grower comes back on here... but I don't sit here waiting for it to happen. . Or I might mss out on all the current knowledge and good new members who arrive (not to mention the older ones who haven't left)
The in and outflux of people is rather noticeable when you search archives.

That said, it seems every year there are a lot of rookie pepper growers here who contribute their experiences and knowledge, those who stay, great, those who leave, well their experiences and knowledge are still archived here. Good ol THP, assimilating all yalls words.