food Simple healthy snack.

I sliced up some tomato, cucumber and half a fatali and added juice from a couple lime and some sea salt and black pepper.

Turned out to be very delicious

Where's the Bacon and Cheese ?? I jest ... it looks fresh and tasty. You are in the Bahamas ..... I'd like a side of Red Snapper or Parrot Fish to go along with your snack.

P. Dreadie
Looks really nice, can imagine it getting even better after letting it draw in the fridge for a while. Think I'm gonna make something like this as side dish next time I make dinner!
That looks absolutely delicious.

My wife and I make something sort of similar on occasion. We use fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese slices, fresh basil, and then drizzle either balsamic or red wine vinegar over the top, and then sprinkle with salt and pepper. We haven't tried it with peppers yet, but I have a feeling that once our garden starts spitting out tomatoes and habs, we will probably give it a shot.
This snack looks good and i will need to try it soon! I will have to try it first with Habs until later in the season

Where's the Bacon and Cheese ?? I jest ... it looks fresh and tasty. You are in the Bahamas ..... I'd like a side of Red Snapper or Parrot Fish to go along with your snack.

P. Dreadie

Haha i would much prefer the snapper over the parrot fish. Or better yet a grouper! Dang i miss Miami some times
How the hell did we go from May 2010 to May 2012?? :lol:

Hey Fade, just seen you logged back in recently. WB brother! :dance:

Simple indeed but sounds good!

i love cucumbers,and tomatoes but if some one gave that to me and said here is your snack i would smack them,lol.


More of a "side" for sure....