I've been surfing here for a couple weeks and seems like most of the content here, while very informative and interesting, is too advanced for me. In other words, there's a lot of detail here about fine-tuning and honing your craft but it leaves the beginner (me) fumbling for fundamentals.
For a beginner that just wants to grow some decent peppers, is there 3-4 simple steps we can follow? I found this older post which sorta addressed this:
Can you have success just grabbing a couple Smart Pots, a bag of FoxFarm's Ocean Forest Soil and some Happy Frog soil conditioner and be done? I'm also reading similar material on --- get a bag of Pro-Mix BX and some nutrients and use it for everything from seeds to pot.
I guess I'm asking for a pointer to the basics.
Once I start getting into the weeds of making your own mixtures, ratios of peat:perlite:lime, etc., it starts getting pretty confusing when all I really want is some kick ass peppers. Accomplish that first, then begin dialing it in and maximizing the crop with the techniques you guys use here.
I hope you guys take this as a compliment - I've seen the pics and glogs and I'd be happy with 1/4 of what you're accomplishing.
For a beginner that just wants to grow some decent peppers, is there 3-4 simple steps we can follow? I found this older post which sorta addressed this:
Can you have success just grabbing a couple Smart Pots, a bag of FoxFarm's Ocean Forest Soil and some Happy Frog soil conditioner and be done? I'm also reading similar material on --- get a bag of Pro-Mix BX and some nutrients and use it for everything from seeds to pot.
I guess I'm asking for a pointer to the basics.
Once I start getting into the weeds of making your own mixtures, ratios of peat:perlite:lime, etc., it starts getting pretty confusing when all I really want is some kick ass peppers. Accomplish that first, then begin dialing it in and maximizing the crop with the techniques you guys use here.
I hope you guys take this as a compliment - I've seen the pics and glogs and I'd be happy with 1/4 of what you're accomplishing.