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Size constraints...strip leaves?

So I'm starting to run out of room in my grow area. I really don't want to cull down my plants any if I can avoid it because I already promised my extras to some friends/family.
The problem is that the leaves are really starting to overlap on my bigger seedlings and I'm worried about the restricted airflow and gnats. After I water (every 4-5 days) the top of the soil usually crusts up by the next day. However, I have noticed more gnats lately. Fortunately, I also have a few ladybugs creeping around as well. Aside from throwing some of my extra plants out, would stripping some of the lower leaves be ok to help the airflow? Most of my plants are short and stocky, especially the MOAs and I don't want to lose a lot of plants just to save a few.
You'll be fine. Hell some people completely strip their seedlings of all but two or three leaves. The claim is that they'll branch out more and will be shorter and stockier plants that set more pods. I'm experimenting with it this year since I have so many plants to see if it really does make a difference in the end. So if you're only removing a few leaves here and there your plants will be fine.
Some info
http://thehotpepper.com/topic/45606-extreme-pruning/     http://thehotpepper.com/topic/38705-a-simple-guide-to-topping-and-pruning/
I kind of figured it would be fine. I've read Jamison's thread and just went through the other one you linked. I may experiment as well since I have up to 5 plants of most varieties.
Yea just clip off the larger problem leaves. I do this with the leaves that are too low and get pinched between pots as well. That and it makes top watering easier if you strip leaves up a little bit so you can actually access the soil. It's a pain to move leaves around trying to water. 