cool thread, I actually was wondering what the time line of my plants are going to be, since I started some really early, and I have a smaller.. well semi small batch of them that are just getting their 2nd set of true leaves... I will edit this now with all the pictures and dates, and at the end.. or maybe beginning I will give the info on everything.. since it will take a while, and be really long lol, it is cool to see the growth sometimes after only a week. even though I stunted the crap out of my first set of plants by just trying to figure out what I was doing.
Ok so instead of doing all that I had before since it is really long, I will just save it for when I do my "plant timeline" since I didn't have a glog this year, but I will post the dates that I planted up and started, and one pic of them now.
I did a lot of learning through this process and should be able to tell lol
Dec 11, 2012
Planted my first set of plants, "test group" to see how I would do with them before the other groups of plants..
Dec 16, 2012
got the LED, but was frying them so backed it off a little.
Dec 27, 2012
Transplanted first group into party cups, or sometime around then, still had LED, but was frying the leaves, so took it out soon after, and planted 2nd set of peppers around now.
January 16th, 2012
Transplanted 1st group of peppers into 1 gallon pots, transplanted 2nd group into solo cups and put into grow tent with 400w HID MH, I had some issues up until a few weeks ago with edema that stunted the first group really badly, especially since I screwed around with them and took the big "sucker" leaves off of them after reading a thread on here.. without enough sun light and since the peppers are close together, the new leaves haven't really grown much on the stem of the plants, but there is plenty of growth on the tops, they had plenty of time from when I did it, but won't be doing it next year.
and I put them up on tables after this pic and put a small space heater to keep the temps above 72 at "night" and in the "day" time the temps would get up to around 80-82 or so.. really humid until I changed things around.
I also had to re-pot everything because the soil mix I used (mixed my own) but it had too much "fine" vermiculite that I didn't wet before mixing it, and was preventing the water from soaking into the soil/cups, so I did it all over again a week later with a bunch of added perlite, because it caused some really bad edema and was killing the small plants
February 21-22, 2012
Transplanted 2nd group into 1 gallon pots, and can see the first group of plants without most of their bottom leaves that I had taken off.. oh well, I also took the table out since I didn't want it in there.. didn't make sense to have it in there.. and so I could move the light closer with all of them on even ground
March 23, 2012
I had planted a 3rd set of plants, most have a few sets of true leaves, I had left for a long weekend, and they dried out really badly, and I lost about 1/2 of the plants that I had, so that is why some are bigger than others, the others I planted once I got back... but they caught up pretty fast
With both the 3rd and 4th set of plants I had played around with adding a little bit of crumbled perlite and a tiny bit of fine vermiculite, 3rd set with smaller perlite particles, and 4th set with less of everything.. both with Hoffman's seed starter as the base.
and at this point I had also planted a 4th set of plants also with a bunch of them having came up with some tomato plants as well
and the other plants which I had realized they were not getting enough ferts, the bone and blood meal I had in there were not breaking down fast enough, and so I started using liquid ferts as well at low strength during watering to help with the yellowing of leaves, and the bottom leaves from falling off. and still some edema with the annuums, change the fans around and stuff again, and left the top zipper of the tent open to allow more air flow
(Edit: notice the basil in the left corner, that is just 1/2 of it, that is the same basil from the first tent pic (4th pic overall) lol, it's crazy big)