size of cayenne red long slim

bigger ones are:
joes long
whippets tail
WHOOOPS. thought u meant pods
growth is dependent on growing conditions, size of grow area, etc
ok, I'm going to make  Crushed Red Pepper and was wondering If I need 1 or 2 plants.
1 plant will suffice I suppose.
I'll get a big container (30 l)
juanitos said:
bigger ones are:
joes long
whippets tail
Juanitos, you had some crazy long Joe's Long last season, didn't you?
I really like Maule's cayenne.  It grows 6" - 8", but its pretty think and has a lot more flesh than most cayennes.
Joe's Long was a real winner for me last year, 10"-12" long pods and the plants were loaded. Plant size was about 3.5' x 3.5' grown in ground but I had them really close together, about 18" apart. The thought for growing them that close to each other was that they would help support each other, kinda worked.
: -) just messing with you juanitos..
How is the Joe's Long Cayenne? This is my first year growing that variety, because a vietnamese colleque politely asked if it was possible to grow him a chili plant.. I'm growing a whole batch for his relatives as well.