Sliced super hots for nachos? Any Ideas?

Man...try anything and everything you can get. Thinly sliced fresh peppers are my favorite, from mild to superhot. A lot people aren't into the raw, chinense, fresh flavor, but I fucking love it. Floral, fruity, or otherwise, fresh peppers are where it's at for me.

So,'s hard to say exactly. Just try anything you can get your hands on. As far as superhots, last year I was really enjoying 7-Pots and King B.O.C from the garden.
Jubnat said:
A lot people aren't into the raw, chinense, fresh flavor, but I f**king love it. Floral, fruity, or otherwise, fresh peppers are where it's at for me.
That's absolutely me to a T. I'm a Chinense guy. 80% of my Chinense peppers are diced up right off the vine and applied directly to a meal (uncooked). The rest is pickled. A snack I really love is cubes of cheese and pieces of raw Chinense. I skewer that with a toothpick. Most of my Bahamian Goats were consumed that way hah.
You're right, a lot here don't seem all that keen on it. Many favor the baccatums, and i'm not a fan so far (Amarillo is great tho).
PexPeppers said:
I used to do some sliced chocolate ghosts on my nachos. now I use SB7J. They both taste glorious and not too awfully hot for nachos. 
Agreed. I used to use thinly sliced Black Naga, but it was missing the crunch. SB7J sound perfect for nachos. Firm, crunchy, fruity, and great heat! I think the "crunch factor" is important.