Slime Mold?

Went out to the plants this morning and saw this.  Literally showed up overnight and I'm not 100% on what it is.

It started oozing a pinkish puss from the center of the mass right before I took the picture.  You should be able to see it in there.  I've been having a hell of a time with most of my plants (aside from the jalapenos and paprika which are producing like mad crazy) where not a single pod has set and recently a lot of leaves have been falling.  I'll post the pics of a couple of my other plants in a different thread because I'm needing some help on that front, but this weird looking stuff was definitely new to me.
I haven't seen any military vehicles or aircraft in the last day so I'm ruling out The Blob.
If it is slime mold, anyone got any good recommendations on killing or removing it so it doesn't spread?
Yeah that looks similar.  I really would have confused it for dog vomit had it not been in the container where my German Shepherd wouldn't have possibly done that.  I also ran across this link on Google which I thought was interesting:
Harmless to humans is always good.  I think the most disturbing thing about slime mold is being able to see it grow right in front of you.  If anyone here plays games, they'll know what I mean when I say it is a flashback to The Last of Us.
Slime molds never stick around for long, and usually lower chances of BLS in the soil. Just hit the soil again with some benificial microbes and it should be all good.
Not exactly a fan of survival horror, but I know what you're talking about.
cruzzfish said:
Slime molds never stick around for long, and usually lower chances of BLS in the soil. Just hit the soil again with some benificial microbes and it should be all good.
Not exactly a fan of survival horror, but I know what you're talking about.
Thanks for the info.

Also, even if you're not a fan you should give that a try. Best game I have ever played, and that's saying a lot.
EliteMcScruffin said:
Thanks for the info.

Also, even if you're not a fan you should give that a try. Best game I have ever played, and that's saying a lot.
Just don't find many scary. Amnesia was though. I'll check it out.
willard3 said:
Slime mold is controlled by hydrogen peroxide.
Interesting... after reading it was not harmful to humans or dogs and having some other issues that had frustrated me on Saturday, I just decided **** it, put on a pair of nitrile gloves and removed it manually into a plastic bag that I sealed and tossed.  Probably wasn't the smartest idea seeing as how that whole part that looks solid is powdery as hell and seeing as how there was insane wind pretty much all weekend, the spores got everywhere including very likely inhaled by me.  It's gone now though and I haven't seen any signs of a resurgence, so hopefully all is well.