Slow growing short plants flowering...what to do?

I have multiple supers in three gallon pots with Pro Mix as the prime medium.  Plants are lush, giant leaves,never stressed for water here in GA. Several now are sprouting flowers and just have not really "taken off" growth wise.  Should I pinch the flowers? , let them grow? and what can I do to kick start the growth? Am I just impatient here in late May with supers less than 16" tall?
OKGrowin said:
give them a full serving of fertilizer, pinch off the flowers for a couple weeks to see if they start goin.
  Ok OKGrowin....  Can you recommend a basic fert to get them growing?  I can't do fish tea or bat guano at the present time so what is a hard hitting fert to jump start my supers?
I always take the mother nature approach. Pretend like you don't see them and let them do what they do when nobody's around to "care" for them
Thanks everyone...I hit them with Jobes Organic Heirloom Tomato and Vegetable Plant Food today...moved them out of the shaded area and into full sun.  I'll mark the calendar and report back with progress.



Thanks everyone...I hit them with Jobes Organic Heirloom Tomato and Vegetable Plant Food today...moved them out of the shaded area and into full sun.  I'll mark the calendar and report back with progress.


Three gallon pots won't be large enough in GA by the end of a season of good growth, unless you frequently water them.  I'd use larger pots or accept less growth and have more pots, greater # of plants.  I do pinch buds and blooms early on but wouldn't by the time the plant is over 12" tall. 
There is a middle ground, pinch off some and leave some so you get ripe peppers earlier in the season without as much growth stunting as leaving them all.
Dave2000 said:
Three gallon pots won't be large enough in GA by the end of a season of good growth, unless you frequently water them.  I'd use larger pots or accept less growth and have more pots, greater # of plants.  I do pinch buds and blooms early on but wouldn't by the time the plant is over 12" tall. 
There is a middle ground, pinch off some and leave some so you get ripe peppers earlier in the season without as much growth stunting as leaving them all.
Interesting...  I used the same three gallon pots last year along with MaoMart Blue Bags and two 5gal buckets and had plants that were over three feet tall with an amazing (for me) yield.  Either I got them in the pots later than I should have or the ProMix BX isn't all I thought it would be.  Last year I used a lesser grade medium and the plants were soaring at this time.
Oh well... we'll see what happens over the next few months.