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Slow Habs?

Having prolific production on my sweet peppers (Gypsy Frying, Giant, Big Bertha, etc.)
Also, lots of Jalapenos, Kung Pau, Carribean Red Hots nearing ripeness.

However, although I have very healthy looking Habanero plants, so far, I have no fruit.

In Northern MI, but have had some hot weather of late.

Are the Habs a bit slower in production, or might I have dud Habs this first year of growing?

Thanks for the help...............
May be a number of things. Heat will shut down flowering often and habs are slow moving compared to some. But you may need to give it more nitrogen to super chatge it. Post a picture of it and some educated chiliheads may chime in! :hell: I ain't edumacated! But I am medicated! :cool:
If you're having success with most of your peppers and or caring for them the same all across the board, than I may suggest patience maybe in order. They'll turn on when they're ready.

I have over 500 superhots and lost a few along the way…60% are full of pods and most of the others are cranking out flowers. Some plants are just slow and hard to predict. You roll with the flow and plant more than you need.

Good luck!!
Yep - I have some plants that are FULL of pods, some just starting to bloom, and some, well, maybe a bud or two. Depends upon the variety, mostly, but also some get more shade than others. So I agree with Superhot - patience is a good thing. However, also let us know what you're feeding them, and how much sun/shade they get a day.