MikeUSMC said:For me (so far):
Slowest Creeping Build: 7 Pot Lava
Quickest Heat to subside: 7 Pot Bubblegum
Malarky said:I've tried a tepin x lemondrop and it was delicious.
Good call! Forgot about that one. Perfectly accurate description too! "Watered down taste," then 3 minutes later it feels like your tongue is in a freakin' vicecycadjungle said:100% Jay's peach ghost scorpion. Everyone was talking about this one a couple of years ago. I made a big deal about them and finally brought a couple to hot pepper night. About 12 of us tasted some and it had a watered down taste and wasn't all that hot at all. Everybody started talking bad about the pepper. All of a sudden, about 3 minutes later.....
austin87 said:Red brainstrain started hot and continued to kick my ass for the next 30 minutes. Hottest thing I have ever eaten, period, and the biggest creep. Which is surprising, given that my first thought was "holy face rape, this is going to kill me" and it kept getting hotter.