smileys noob/recruitment give away ~ Closed ~

When i first joined i was given some awesome seeds from a fellow member here. I haven't seen him around much this year sadly. Any how long story short he hooked me up with enough seeds to grow a jungle. I offered to pay money and was told no.. Instead was asked to enjoy them and next year to make sure newbies were able to enjoy a nice garden so that's what i ask of from you! I have op seeds from my garden, seeds I've collected over the last year and last but not least was asked to share a big batch of seeds for a fellow here by the name of wildseed57. As some of you know he has been very sick this summer and he has asked me to share because he's not sure he can bag all the little packets.


1. Must have 50 posts or less. If your not a member and a usual lurker looking for a good reason this is it!

2. Claim your slot here.

3. Send a pm and I'll give you my address for sasbe. If you don't know how a sasbe works just say so and I'll send easy instructions.

Now for the seeds..

I've got plenty and multiple varieties mainly superhots.. They range from bhuts to the extreme. I'll bag up 10 varieties of ten seeds each for the first 5 noobs that want some of the meanest plants on the planet!

Don't miss out! That's a hundred free seeds guys!

Edited to follow topic
Thanks for the offer.  May I have some ....... I don't know how the sasbe work, please let me know the instrution .  Thanks
I would love to put my name in the hat if the spot isn't taken. I'll need instructions for the sasbe part.

I've been browsing the forums for months now and just never signed up. This is a perfect reason, and if I don't get selected then oh well...still fun to be a member.

If there's a slot open, I'd like to claim it! I'm very much a newbie!
EDIT: Just re-read the thread, and looks like I was off by one. Thanks for the chance!
You're both in but that closes the offer. What's one extra if you have it?

Btw you guys should go post in the new members section. If your gonna be growing pods might as well make some friends!