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smoking smoked prok loin !!!

here is my pork loin just before i put it on the pit.... i used Hawaiian red salt,3color pepper mix,garlic,onion powder,red pepper powder,paprika and extra-virgin olive oil (frist cold press) good stuff, and just bacon wraped around it.... oak wood and Mesquite mix for my fire.... and cooking temp is around 325 right now... i will be back with more pics.... enjoy

Big time noms! Great work man.

To get more out of your smoking woods try it with your temps around 200F. It will take an extra hour, three total but well worth it.
patrick said:
Big time noms! Great work man.

To get more out of your smoking woods try it with your temps around 200F. It will take an extra hour, three total but well worth it.

i smoke mine anywhere from 225-260 depending on the mood of my smoker that day..lol

but i agree with patrick, you will get a nicer smoke flavor with it at lower temps. take it to 145*Fish..wrap it in foil and let it rest. that being said, yours looks pretty tasty from where i am sitting..good job
Wow that looks amazing! I still have yet to smoke a loin, but you bet it will be on my list when I go camping in a few weeks. I basically cook everything for the 4 day trip on a smoker!!