food Smoked Sausage Lebanese style

My wife is of Lebanese descent and every year we have a big feast featuring the cuisine of Lebanon. The primary meat dish served is called Kibbie and is made with Lamb, traditionally though in the states really lean beef is substituted due to the price of lamb, Cracked Bulgar Wheat, Onion, salt, pepper and cinnamon. Last year I made the comment that I bet it would make a really good smoked sausage and had a lot of positive comments from the family elders. So now it's time to make some sausage but some of it will have THP style modification. You'll see it when it comes up but for now:

We start with 5 pounds 80/20 ground beef, the fat is needed for a good sausage, 2 pounds of ground lamb, 4 large onions 5 cups of Bulgar Wheat soaked in water for at least 2 hours, 5 tsp each of salt and pepper, 6 1/2 tsp Cinnamon.

Bulgar wheat soaking

Mix after 1st grinding


So the meat mix is run through a grinder 3 times to get it to the right consistency and to blend the spices. I'm adding some powdered Fataliis to half of the mix.

Here are the sausage casing soaking

Time to stuff em.

And into the smoker

I'll be pulling these babies out about 7:30 or 8:00 tonight.
being PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH by decent and anyone who knows our culture knows we love sausage,well you just made this Krauts mouth water :drooling: :drooling:
let us know how it came out
Sounds AND looks like Really good stuff.

I was wondering if you ever tried hanging your sausage instead of racking them in the smoker.
In MY smoker,I can hang a shelfs worth from the top and fit 2-3 times more sausages per smoke.

All smokers aren't the same.
I get a more even smoke,I THINK by hanging them.
I also only cold smoke stuff,might make a difference.

My upright smoker holds 6 racks.I can hang a lot more sausage than when I used to rack them.
In MY smoker (all smokers are different),I get over a racks worth of sausage per hanging string from each hook.

Takes the same amount of time to smoke but I think I get a more even smoke.
Might not work better in your smoker,I don't know.
Just something to check out.
More is better,10 seconds after I pull the stuff out of my smoker EVERYONE I know shows up for a sample... LOL

I have an OLD Kitchen Aide.
Mom gave it to me years ago,It's over 20 yrs. old EASY,probably over 30yrs..
When the attachments were metal(I have everything they made for it).

I don't have the Pasta maker-it wasn't around way back when...neither were sausage tubes to my knowledge.

Do you know if the new sausage tubes will fit the old meat grinder?

I know the new stuff doesn't fit the new mixers.The peg to hold the attachment in place is in a different place by a gazillionth on an inch,migth be longer too.
They are just different enough to not fit right.

Mines been used WAY past it's expected life span.Been rode hard and put up wet but keeps on doing it's thing to this day.
I remember it was MON's when she made bread - I hardly ever had store bought bread or much anything baked as a kid that was store bought unless it was from the helms or whatever day old store.
ever tried making soujouk?  spicy lebanese sausage… I've never made it, but I like to get it from the store/restaurant I go to.