They do have a smoker/grill at wal-mart for 78.00.the same grill at Canadian tire is 100.00 go figure
Canuk Pepperhead said:Well to further on that Home Hardware is about 70.00 more..Not to go off topic too much it shows how these monster sized retail chains are slowly killing off canadian chains..They just cant compete in price range.I dont like shopping at wal-mart but id be stupid not to save 70-100 dollars on an item...
Canuk Pepperhead said:I was looking at one at wallymart that was gas but feom all the reading I have been doing I found a nice one at lowes..Problem is they still havnt built a lowes yet the next city over..Mind toy I found the equivalent at Home depo I think ill pick up this spring of course the side box is extra and it looks like the price has gone up since I looked last