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smoking Smokin' a Few Pods

Picked a few pods yesterday morning, not enough to fire up the dehydrator and I wanted to do something with them other than into the fridge and wait for more. Then it hit me, "fire up the grill and smoke them bad mofo's!" So I did.

Here they be sliced and ready to go. There's Bhut Jolokia, Bhut Jolokia cross, yellow 7 Pods, red 7 pods, couple of Trini Scorps for good measure, along with one single, lonely Trini Scorp CARDI.


Getting ready to close the lid. Got things set up on the Weber gas. No heat, going for the cold smoke. Used my cast iron smoke box, few briquettes of charcoal at the white stage, soaked apple chips and some pecan flavored smoking pellets in the foil pouch. Didn't take long for a wonderful smell to come wafting into the air. This might be a good thing.


Three hours later and several refills of the charcoal, pecan pellets and apple chips peppers are looking good and smelling outrageous. Drooling before I sample a piece. I know they don't look much different, that's the idea of going with a cold smoke, it helps to keep the colors and the moisture.


I let them sit for a couple of hours to reabsorb most of the moisture prior to going into the dehydrator. Wasn't long after I started the dehydrator that this lovely aroma began to fill the house. The boy even complimented it. From him it's usually "I smell peppers" when he walks into the door. This time it was "what's that smell, it's good?"

I decided to nosh on a small piece of the Bhut Jolokia cross as it's kind of sweet to start with and the heat isn't on par with the true B.J. It had a kind of an outdoorsy caramel apple/pecan pie taste to it for a few seconds then the heat started. Again not as hot as a regular B.J. but nothing to sneeze at either. I think I'll call this powder a winner.
That sounds really awesome, Patrick! You must be an experienced smoker to begin with. That whole set up with the CI tray, briquettes and chips....su-weet!

The only thing I know how to smoke is the pizza in the oven when I forget to set the timer...lots of smoke! :lol:
Samples may be available. Have to wait and see how much powder this makes.

Thanks salsalady. As far as experience goes I would consider myself a rookie. Done peppers twice, and other things, mostly meat a couple of dozen times at best. Sad huh? I plan on making up for it though.

It isn't that hard to do. The pellets make things extremely easy. I've used them a couple of times before with chicken and pork. Adds a good flavor. Don't be afraid to try smoking, it's fun and gives you an excuse to hang around the grill and outdoors for the day.
Should you have a nice batch out of that, let me know. Id love to try some. I have some Mesquite Yellow 7 Powder, and a little bit of Applewood Smoked Bhut Jolokia Powder. Only a touch left, but looking to make more soon.

What exactly are the smoking pellets you mentioned? Think Id like to add some to my next batch.
Can do JSK.

I bought the pellets from Beth at Peppermania. Here's the link to them. http://www.peppermania.com/smokin__pellets.html I'm certain you don't have to buy the 7 pound special as I just picked up a one pound package of the Pecan pellets. Email Beth and ask her. Good place to get a few seeds too. Tell her I sent you.
looks good, i'll have to give that a go one day. Since I have such a small amount of peppers to pick due to the horrible weather this may be a good alternative to drying. I may even try smoking then making a sauce out of them which may add an extra level of flavor.
Figured I should come back and show off the finished product.

Here's what it looks like.


The profile shot. My favorite.


I ended up with about 55 grams of it or just short of two ounces.

I know this is going to sound kind of strange but I picked up some vanilla/caramel marshmallows with the intent of making some funky Rice Krispy treats. Something is urging me to add a couple of dashes of the powder in with the krispys. Spicy apple/pecan/vanilla/caramel rice krispy treats?
It looks pretty HOT :lol:
Looks really tasty - I'm envious! I smoked enough Naga and 7 Pots yesterday to fill a 5 tray dehydrader. Used a mesquite/cherry/apple blend of wood. Smoked for about 4 hours (moist heat) at about 200 degrees. Some of the pods looked like they got a little bit cooked. Haven't tried them yet but they swell wonderful - not sure whether I'll grind them into flakes or take them all the way to powder. Hope mine taste as good as your's look!
That sounds pretty darn good to me buddy. Flakes or powders it all goes to the same place. Let us know how it tastes. Should be hot enough that's for sure.
Patrick, your inspiration has taken hold.

I will attempt to smokily-mutilate some pods in a few weeks when the become ripe. We have the apple wood and the pods. After that....it's a crap shooot!!!

Thank you for your inspiration. SL
Congrats on a great cold smoke on some great looking peppers. There is a fairly new product that is used for cold smoking, easy to use, and it is really catching on in the BBQ circle. It's called the A-Maze-N-Smoker. It is worth yout time to check it out, here's the link http://www.amazenproducts.com/

It can be used for cold smoking cheese, and many other foods.
At any rate, thanks for sharing.
ordered some pecan pellets per your post. never used pecan and never used pellets - i'm looking forward to it.