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smoking Smoking Rabbit!!!

I am smoking a rabbit today. I picked up 2 of them and i am smoking one and the other will be rabbit stew(i will have pictures of the rabbit stew.) Here is a picture of the fire and 2 pictures of the rabbit it self.:)and i will post more pictures later on.



Good job,,been waitng to smoke a couple of deer quarters for a while.Any tips will be welcome.Munch away!! BTW thst wabbit couldn`t been toooo fast! hehe
thanks guys well it came out a bit dry... next time i will grill it.. overall it was good and and the family liked it... and i got the ok from the wife to raise "wabbits" for food and my teenaged daugher(as she would say) said she would help take care of them... anyways here is the pics


looking good.
its all a learning experience for smoking or grilling certain meats, if you'd like smoked rabbit dont give up on trying that, maybe dont smoke it as long or maybe inject it ?
Doesn't look too bad at all.

As for your daughter helping you raise rabbits and then chowing down on said rabbits.....
Have to agree with Nova. Doesn't look bad. Looks like it was a bit dry, you could try mopping it with something nice [like beer] every hr. Also looks a little over-smoked, not over cooked. I'd put it through three rounds of smoke and then wrap it in aluminum foil for the rest of the cook time... but I've never done rabbit, so who am I to say? How long was the smoke time and at what temp? I'll definitely be trying this soon!
SumOfMyBits said:
Have to agree with Nova. Doesn't look bad. Looks like it was a bit dry, you could try mopping it with something nice [like beer] every hr. Also looks a little over-smoked, not over cooked. I'd put it through three rounds of smoke and then wrap it in aluminum foil for the rest of the cook time... but I've never done rabbit, so who am I to say? How long was the smoke time and at what temp? I'll definitely be trying this soon!

well my temp was around 225-250 not bad and i do think it was over smoked that could have something to do with it...yeah and beer sounds good over it... 1 1/2 hours and it was NOT falling all the bone... its ok i will do more soon now i know where to get them... i am looking forward to rabbit stew now....
redeyes said:
well my temp was around 225-250 not bad and i do think it was over smoked that could have something to do with it...yeah and beer sounds good over it... 1 1/2 hours and it was NOT falling all the bone... its ok i will do more soon now i know where to get them... i am looking forward to rabbit stew now....

sorry i came late on in this post.

as long as it was edible, it was a success..lol

rabbit is so lean that it just needs a short smoke time and then maybe throw it on the grill to finish it up..i also would cook at a lower temp like 200*F.... cook it to about 160-165*F..like was suggested,mop,spritz and maybe use a milder wood like apple,maple or cherry..also to keep rabbit moist maybe drape it in bacon next time if u are going to just cook in on the smoker until done.
I hunt rabbits here. A lot! They are game, and most game is lean. They keep their fat on the outside to stay warm. So once you skin a deer, bunny, duck, whatever, it'll have almost no fat left.

I always wrap game with bacon when cooking. Also, try to only cook it to medium. Game goes from cold to too burnt in a flash. I never cook game past rare, but that's just how I like it.

I'll be doing this and posting pics this winter!