Snail Invasion!

Anyone read the book "Slugs" by Shaun Hutson, by the way?

THe african deserts used to be lush forests and farmlands around 600 years before christ. The romans salted the land, and that's why it's all desert now. It took an amount of salt equal to the surface area of Ireland*

* This entire paragraph may be complete bollocks. But I'd be interested to know if any of you believed it ;)
Builder's sand (sharp!), not river sand. Wood ashes, too. anything rough, like fine gravel, eggshells, broken glass (lol) or even a sandpaper 'collar' at the foot of the plant. I just use sand, though, always works.
I bought a pack of anti snail/slug without really reading the thing and learned through the web later that it can be harmful to other animals too so I stopped using them.
I do use the beer traps with great success (cheap beer will do fine). Other methods can be the orange skin (1 half) upside down, or fruit under a rhubarb leaf. During the evening/night they will go hunting, during the day they will look for the shade underneath it and you can collect and destroy them.

at gardeners world they also give attention to the copper-based methods so that should be more than a myth.
I Put my baby nagas and other seedlings in yesterday. So far the seek and destroy stomp-them-with-my-big-ol-boot method seems to be doing some good.

Sand sounds promising. I do believe copper is kind of expensive these days....
chuk hell said:
I do believe copper is kind of expensive these days....

well at least you get good prices for recycling it. depending on where you live(& how much you put out) I dont know if the copper would stay around long :hell: in this area its kinda getting crazy just a tad with the lowlifes, they'll cut down utility poles & take the transformers - rip out the copper from new construction - unoccupied homes (fully finished homes) they'll go in there & ripe out all the copper & we've had a couple homes blow up in this area because of this.

so yea copper is kinda expensive :hell: