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So two plants I can't seem to grow...

It has been my experience that when I wake up in the morning and they look like this, they'll be gone within a few hours. Not sure what happened, all my plants have had the same soil, water, lighting and care. I do find it suspect that ALL my Giant Bhut Jolokia and Carolina Reaper seedlings suffered the same fate. Is it an "ID10T" problem or bad seeds maybe?
Sorry, I'm not getting a good read on what the plant looks like that you are concerned about. The fact that the stem is purple? This happens with many varieties, so is not something to worry about. What kind of soil are you using? If it's regular potting soil, it may have too-strong fertilizer built into it. Recommendation is to use seed-starting mix, which contains no fertilizer. If you don't already know, sprouts don't need any fertilizer until after the cotyledons fall off - right now all you have is a stem and cotyledons. Is your concern that the plant is leaning? They usually do lean towards the light, and it's more dramatic in small ones like this. Again, this is normal. Is your concern that the cotyledons are curled up? Were they less curled up before? Do the tips look brown? Can't tell if the tips are brown or not from the pic. 
The cotys are dark green with no brown. They start fine then basically shrivel up and die.
I use a mix of organic potting soil and seed starting mix, about half half. Once removed from the "dome", they sit under T8's (32 watt, full spec) about 3 inches below the bulbs.
They started off like the 11 other plants I started at the same time. Day two started with the cotyledons curling up at the tips and the stem looking weak. (I'm never sure weather they need or have too much water at this point) In any case many of my seedlings have died this way this year. As I wrote above, they generally last a few hours after this. They are both gone now. I have tried different seed starting mixes. I still find it odd that all my Giant Bhuts and all my Reapers died.
Try starting them in smaller cells with a proper seed starting mix. When they have an established root system, repot them. It is way easier to control the moisture.

The soil you are using looks like compact peat chunks with a couple pieces of perlite. I'm not saying that is 100% what has happened,the seeds may be bad. I always screen my mix and grind up big chunks with my fingers. Good luck!