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So what is going on

So I started some plants 2 mths ago and they sprouted no problems about 7-10 days later. They grew to about an inch tall and stopped. Never got taller, never got more leaves. they looked fine, no drooping of the leaves or stem, looked normal and healthy just never got any bigger. Well now they are starting to die off. Had one die earlier this week and have another that is starting to droop. I water every few days and make sure that the soil doesnt get to wet or dry. I used soil that I had gotten out of my garden and have grown some very nice plants in in in the past. Had tomato plants that were over 7 ft tall, I had put some Jalepeno and Cayanne Pepper plants in late but they still thrived.

I also planted another 12 plants in this same soil and not a single one has sprouted. I planted these the day before thanksgiving and am ready to ditch em and start over.

The soil, as far as i can tell is a mixture of regular soil and potting soil mix. Like I said I have grown other things in this soil before without issues. Everything from Onions, lettuce, tomatos, peppers, raspberries.

Any thoughts?
Too wet, roots rotted. Using garden soil in pots is not a very good idea usually, especially for seedlings. It doesn't breath or drain properly when in pots. Garden soil is great in the ground but terrible in pots.

Post up some pictures.
Pics might be helpful. Also, when you say you have "grown" other things in this mix before, do you mean from seed, or from already-started plants? Potting soil (and even packaged "regular" soil) often contains beads of fertilizer, and it could be that the fertilizer is too strong for the new babies. Most of us start out in peat or other things that have no fertilizer in it (coco coir, etc.), then move to whatever soil we're going to use. And like millworkman said, most "regular" soil is not good in pots.
Could be a number of things.Couple questions, Are these inside or out? How much light are they getting?How heavy do your pots feel?A good indicator if your over watering. Even though the soil was good enough to plant in from outside,it may be spent meaning a lack nutrients from the previous growing season in order to sustain this plant.
Could be a number of things.Couple questions, Are these inside or out? How much light are they getting?How heavy do your pots feel?A good indicator if your over watering. Even though the soil was good enough to plant in from outside,it may be spent meaning a lack nutrients from the previous growing season in order to sustain this plant.

They are inside
Light-I have them sitting by the windows during the day and move them at night
Posts dont feel to heavy. It is a flower box type pot and I started 4 plants in it spaced about 4 inches apart.
I am heading to the store this weekend and going to get some diff growing medium and see if that helps.
Would Miracle grow be an option?
If it's on the shelf,it's always an option. I personally don't use the stuff. Not sure what other options you have in your area, but Miracle grow might be easier for you to work with.

Best of Luck,

If it's on the shelf it's an option. That's one of the coolest things I've read around here. The truth too.

Nothing wrong with MG stuff with a couple of exceptions. You don't want the amount of nitrogen found in most MG products for pepper growing. It will give you some beautiful, full, green plants but actual pod action will be minimized. Secondly and what I don't like about it is you have no control over what your plants are getting. Too much of something can be worse than not enough. I want to know what my plants are eating. Much easier to figure out if something is lacking too.
So 2 days after I started this post the other seeds that I had planted started to sprout, these are the ones in regular soil. Of the 12 that i planted I have had 2 Carb red Habs, 2 Yellow 7-pot and 1 ghost pop through. Each is about an inch tall so far.
Of the original 4 that I planted and had sprouted, only one is left. It looks alot stronger than the other 3. Got my fingers crossed for that one.