surprisingly higher than I thought. heh
I was under the impression that I was still kind of a wuss, which I don't mind as it allows me to fairly judge my test batches while developing recipes.
that said, what i thought was a pretty mild batch a lot of folks I know found to be too hot. Likewise when i rec'd the gorgeous Jonahs from Judy at pepperlover I was hanging with some friends who enjoy spicy foods, and I was chomping the raw Jonas like candy - definitely an intense heat, but not roll around on the ground crying hot. while commenting on how delicious I found the pepper, my friend looked at me, sweating and beat red and said, "oh, now you're just showing off".
but I really wasn't - I suspect since joining THP, doing more trades for hot sauces, and eating more raw pods I've actually upped my endurance a tick. I still find orange habs to be quite sharp/hot, and the Jonah was absolutely hotter than those - but I can eat either raw and not really have a noticable reaction.
that said I'm still not inclined to test my limits. the Jonah just started with a nibble. Then a bite. then I was chopping one up and sprinkling it all over a slice of pizza (which tasted as good as any hot sauce I've ever had on pizza, btw).