So you want to eat a 4 000 000 SHU pepper

habman said:
...I'm just scared of puking after like you see on youtube...Man that would be so painful.
must concentrate on the gold....must concentrate on the gold...

imagine all that lava coming out your nose! maybe it's the eating equivalent of walking on hot coals!

bentalphanerd said:
IGG - i'd swap the 10 000 odd hits on your other thread to see a single picture of your face when you wrote that :mouthonfire:

you wouldn't have seen him through the swirling haze - ever seen That 70's Show???

Pepp3rFreak said:
Bwaahahaha IGG you are awesome dude! Your explanation is both funny but yet perfect in design!!

What did those martians do anyway?

those poor Martians will never be the same!
2 years ago I did something like that. I gutted over 200 some Habanero peppers and used only that to make a seasoning. When it was fresh it only took 1 shake on food to make it hot as hell.
chilliman64 said:
a man cannot be right after all that probing! the body can only handle so much. just don't antagonise him, avoid direct eye contact, and don't make any sudden hand movements - and if he reaches for his foil hat, run like the devil is after you!!!