soil Soil Ph for a newbie

Hey, everyone-
Soil Ph question for you.  Just how bad is it (or is it?) for soil to be around the 6.5-7 range?  I have a test at home (where you mix powder from the green pill w/ distilled water and soil, shake, etc) and I'd approximate it to be around 6.5.  Plants are healthy right now, beginning to produce flowers, but I am wondering if this is bad?
Also, if I do need to lower it, I have treated the soil with Aluminum sulfate before, but now that the roots are quite developed, I worry about mixing the sulfate into the soil and messing up roots.  Any comments in that regard would be appreciated also. 
hndrx1477 said:
Hey, everyone-
Soil Ph question for you.  Just how bad is it (or is it?) for soil to be around the 6.5-7 range?  I have a test at home (where you mix powder from the green pill w/ distilled water and soil, shake, etc) and I'd approximate it to be around 6.5.  Plants are healthy right now, beginning to produce flowers, but I am wondering if this is bad?
Also, if I do need to lower it, I have treated the soil with Aluminum sulfate before, but now that the roots are quite developed, I worry about mixing the sulfate into the soil and messing up roots.  Any comments in that regard would be appreciated also. 
If your soils pH is really 6.5-7.0 I would not do anything, your good. My only concern is just how accurate your soil test kit is.
Also in ground or in pots makes a big difference.
Pots tend to change PH more often-Stuff breaks down etc.
Bark based mixes are different.
Once they suck up nutes,as they break down PH changes.
A lot of organics turn soil acid,up to a certain point as things break down.
Then things change.
I grow in pots only.
In ground is a Lot different.
Pots wash out every time I water...nutes etc. change.
In ground gardens don't change as fast-or anywhere near as fast.
Hydro can be another story.
I avoid PH problems in Hydro by changing nutes on a schedule.
But I do Hydro in a few  5 gal. buckets.
A lot different than a larger grow-Gal. of nutes etc.
I grow small scale...