Hey all,
First time poster here. Long time lurker. Last season I setup some raised beds under a green house. Toward the end of December, I noticed some bacterial spots forming on the leaves. I battled them on and off till I couldn't go anymore. To prep the beds for this season, I'm going to pull the old plants and recondition the soil to gain a fresh start. Is there anything I need to do specifically to make sure the soil is in top shape, as well as kill any existing fungus or pests that may inhibit this years plans. The grow list will include some super hots as well as some milds. I currently run dwc buckets inside under a 1,000 Hps bulb, and also going to try my luck with a Mars Hydro LED 600w. All will be posted under a Glog asap. Thanks! Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse with this post.
First time poster here. Long time lurker. Last season I setup some raised beds under a green house. Toward the end of December, I noticed some bacterial spots forming on the leaves. I battled them on and off till I couldn't go anymore. To prep the beds for this season, I'm going to pull the old plants and recondition the soil to gain a fresh start. Is there anything I need to do specifically to make sure the soil is in top shape, as well as kill any existing fungus or pests that may inhibit this years plans. The grow list will include some super hots as well as some milds. I currently run dwc buckets inside under a 1,000 Hps bulb, and also going to try my luck with a Mars Hydro LED 600w. All will be posted under a Glog asap. Thanks! Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse with this post.