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soil Soil Question

Hi everyone I have a question .I purchased some bags of fox farm ocean forest for my plants this year . Just wanted to ask if there is anything I can mix into the fox farm to make it more abundant .. since I have to repot many plants and it gets expensive.. thanks in advance for any suggestions..
jerrymart said:
Hi everyone I have a question .I purchased some bags of fox farm ocean forest for my plants this year . Just wanted to ask if there is anything I can mix into the fox farm to make it more abundant .. since I have to repot many plants and it gets expensive.. thanks in advance for any suggestions..
Hey man dilute the heck out of it. Whatever it is you use just really break it down. Ocean forest is so nutrient dense its not even funny. Shocked my plants bad last grow.  BTW where you asked about a 1.5 bag you failed to distinguish whether is liters or gallons? or whatever measurements its in.
oops, misready something.
But If you want something that is just as good I think, with no nutes, pro-mix,
also can try roots organics 707, I like both and about half as much in price.
7potquezada said:
Hey man dilute the heck out of it. Whatever it is you use just really break it down. Ocean forest is so nutrient dense its not even funny. Shocked my plants bad last grow.  BTW where you asked about a 1.5 bag you failed to distinguish whether is liters or gallons? or whatever measurements its in.
Thanks for the info.. about the size of the bag is 1.5 cu. ft... since they only sale 12 quarts and 1.5 cu. ft I did not think I had to specify anything..
jerrymart said:
Thanks rebel .for a 1.5 bag how much coco would you use ?
I mix mine 50/50 seems to work well.
7potquezada said:
Hey man dilute the heck out of it. Whatever it is you use just really break it down. Ocean forest is so nutrient dense its not even funny. Shocked my plants bad last grow.  BTW where you asked about a 1.5 bag you failed to distinguish whether is liters or gallons? or whatever measurements its in.
I have young plants in straight FFOF and not having problems but I'm sure some plants can be more sensitive to it.
Ocean forrest is great stuff... but yeah... mxing it with perlite,vermiculite, and coco coir is makes it even better.
Also... as mentioned, pro-mix is just about as good as it gets for the price... When I had some cash to spend on my fav hobby, I bought some ocean forrest, some happy frog, roots organic, and a bale of promix.  I mixed them together and supplemented with extra perlite, coarse vermiculite, coco coir, and a whole slew of supplemental amendments including azomite, cotton seed meal, kelp meal, gypsum, dolomite, hydrated lime, homemade compost and worm castings, mycorrhizae, chicken manure, and expanded clay pellets.  Let me tell you... the investment payed off... with properly composed soil... you will only ever have to water your plants.
For me creating the soil substrate is my favorite part of gardening.

The trick to adding supplements is to use moderation... just a pinch will do ;)
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
I cut mine with Sunshine 4 and a bag of perlite
Since you've got experience with sunshine 4 what do you think about a set up im using this season
Its just sunshine4 ammended with worm castings, the nutes will be provided through compost tea blended with water soluble sea minerals.
and for bloom hi phos bat guano. SImple yet effective I think anyways. What do you think man?
If you were going to add worm castings to a base soil I would still recommend balancing it with another more fluffy amendment like coarse verm to prevent the media from becoming too "heavy."  Worm castings are very dense with fine, clay-like particulate matter.  Everything else sounds great :party:
Yes this is true! Sunshine#4 is already very light though isnt it? EIther way I wouldnt mind more sprucing it up a bit. I was adding the worm poo for the sake of adding some light nutes as well as water retention since theyre gonna be in a green house, more of a hot house actually.
Exactly... it is a very fluffy, *well-balanced soil... so were you to add more dense material to the recipe, it would be a good idea to "maintain the balance" with a "light" counter-part to the castings.  Media with excellent drainage is especially crucial in greenhouse conditions where the humidity is vey high.
I buy premium potting mixes and mix that with a brick of coco coir(the pre washed and compacted stuff), 5 litres of perlite, a cheaper potting mix which has no additives. Its worked a treat so far and helps keeps cost down so I don't need to spend big money on dirt all the time.
7potquezada said:
Since you've got experience with sunshine 4 what do you think about a set up im using this season
Its just sunshine4 ammended with worm castings, the nutes will be provided through compost tea blended with water soluble sea minerals.
and for bloom hi phos bat guano. SImple yet effective I think anyways. What do you think man?
That will work but you need to add some " Fluff" like perlite or vermiculite so the soil is not dense and won't compact so much, Pine bark nuggets works well too anything so the soil is more airy.
What do my fellow chiliheads in Illinois use for media? None of the stores I have checked seem to carry the likes of pro mix or 707.