soil Soilent Green - They're growing in PEOPLE POO!!!

WATCH OUT FOR THESE BRANDS!!! Companies can put human excrement in their product and still claim Organic!!! 
Human Poo Brands (Yum) -> BioSolids or Compost
p.s. OMRI is a joke, they certify some of these!
I mix my own organic ingredients following Mel's mix...
I only trust premade from PRO-MIX MP Organik - or - Dr Earth. I've used Black Gold Organic with success and believe it to be free of waste, but don't like their parent SunGro, who definitely likes to sling it far and wide in their other lines.
I'm sure there are probably other safe brands out there but these are the only ones I've found to be. I know some people don't give a hoot about the whole organic thing, but I feel like this is something both sides could probably agree on... there shouldn't be crap (literally) in our dirt.
Milorganite is good for the grass. Some use it on the their vegetable plants but I wont knowing where it comes from but its suppose to be safe..
Smokin' Hot - "suppose to be safe" being the key ingredient in your opinion (which I share as well). Their website proudly boasts "Regulated by the EPA and complies with its most stringent requirements". That's reason enough for me to pass. I just don't want people soiling in my soil, I'm funny like that.
I don't even like using name brand "organic" fertilizer that has chicken manure in it, not because of the manure, I'm just pretty sure that the poor chicken's that they sourced it from probably weren't eating organic corn.
So many thoughts.  Have been paying attention to this since learned human waste was used on the Rose Garden at the White House.  On one hand, human pathogens easily pass to other humans.  So generally it is a no no.  Thing is, if properly composted, aged, and treated I -think- it is probably pathogen safe but well yuck.
Hippie A.J. gene turned on: What I would be most concerned about are the things that dont get processed out.  It has been documented that various municipal water supplies are filled with hormones and anti depressants.  Things like birth control (hormones) and medications get pissed out, down the toilet, and into the processing facilities.  Evidently, they are so small they do not get filtered out.  Think on that the next time someone tells you how bad it is to pee on the lawn.

I have no idea if any of this is in strong enough amounts to be harmful.  For all I know, the anti-depressants will give you happy plants. Just seems like a bad idea to go experimenting and then put the product of the experiment.

OK, hippie gene turned off.
MadDog said:
I don't even like using name brand "organic" fertilizer that has chicken manure in it, not because of the manure, I'm just pretty sure that the poor chicken's that they sourced it from probably weren't eating organic corn.
I am no scientist.  But factory farmed chicken, beef, and other critters are often fed antibiotics prophetically.  In those farms, all critters get those antibiotics every day in their water supply or food.  Heck, most of the chicken feed at the feed store has antibiotics in it.  Without it, birds reach nearly 50% mortality rate in the filth that factory farms raise their birds.

I spent three years fighting a super bug in my feet and leg bones.  Had to have some of it cut out.  IV antibiotics at home.  It was hell.  All because we dump antibiotics into everything.and create the super bugs.  I wont have a thing to do with it any more.  Even my eggs come from the back yard.

You are right to be concerned about factory farm chicken being sourced for nutrients.  For all I know those antibiotics get into your plants.  Again, not a scientist so I dont really know.  But why risk it?
Using human waste is never good, the reports of all the medical stuff that is in the city water because its not filtered out and changing people physically at the very least from reports.
AJ Drew - I can't turn my hippie gene off and on like that so I'm impressed you have that ability. Probably due to some "bad" substance that I may or may not have consumed long ago.

dragonsfire - those same things like AJ Drew and you mention in the water tests have been tested in these adulterated soils as well and they do show up there. There are pharmaceutical compounds that are resilient to being decomposed. The microbial process isn't absolute so the hormones make it through also. Then there's the disease pathogens that survive as well. The goal is the dollar, not the purification. This is a huge business. Pass.
MadDog said:
AJ Drew - I can't turn my hippie gene off and on like that so I'm impressed you have that ability. Probably due to some "bad" substance that I may or may not have consumed long ago.
Its a defense mechanism.  I do my own thing.  Our poop comes from our critters.  Gardens are watered from our mini ponds which are fed by catchments.  Working on a way to clean the water and route to house.  Hoping to get aquaponics going with solar cells powering the pumps. 

But I have to see the other side when it comes to food production.  Example: Wont go near GMO here, but with people like the United Nation and World Bank warning of global food shortages, I can see how folk who support GMO and modern chemical farming could think it is a necessary thing.

Used to be more of a social warrior, but I am getting so damn old.  If it makes you feel better, my daughter is becoming very outspoken about the carnage factory farming is causing.  Oh, and I brought up human poop as fertilizer and she wigged.  It was great. 

"I'm not eating anything that came out a person's butt."
Watch "Food, Inc." if you haven't seen it. Mind blowing cruelty and stupidity.

I've seen first hand what goes on, my grandfather ran a huge Cargill egg plant. I toured it as a child and there was a giant pile of dead and near dead sick chickens at the head of every row house. When I asked him about them, he told me Campbell's came by and bought them. I thought he was joking, he let me know he wasn't.

I'm too conspiratorial to buy anything UN or others say. UN is the devil. Their mercs rape women and children. We've got plenty of food to feed the world, just too many greedy SOB's to do it.
As a former scientist who eats what others call "inedible" as a hobby and, to a certain degree, way of life, I have no hard and fast objection to GMOs and actually respect projects like the chinese space plants for trying to better our food source. The problem comes when people either don't test thoroughly enough or put business first.

All too common are the horror stories of companies ruining farming economies by patenting their modifications and preventing farmers from growing the seeds they harvest. Or the changes that do nothing but allow more of their own specific pesticide to be sprayed on, even though it only got the ok for its original max dosage.

GMOs can be a benefit to society but the same society often won't let them because it wouldn't be profitable.

And, as for "butt food", I don't care what was used to grow my plants. Use human fecal matter all you like. Just make god damn sure it's safe and free from all this hormonal crap.

Oh and this ritual antibiotics nonsense needs to stop!
Wow, lots of hate here.  Class A bio-solids are perfectly safe when compared to the vast majority of other organic ferts.
Surprised no one has brought up prions yet.  I thought all good hippies knew about that one.
spicefreak said:
All too common are the horror stories of companies ruining farming economies by patenting their modifications and preventing farmers from growing the seeds they harvest. Or the changes that do nothing but allow more of their own specific pesticide to be sprayed on, even though it only got the ok for its original max dosage.
A-greed. Exactly right. Destroy centuries of selection by forcing patents on cultures. Crazy. Bigger better faster.
spicefreak -It is telling when the geneticist considered to be the father of the GMO industry, who was also one of it's biggest proponents for two decades, walked away from prestige and wealth to become the megaphone for the opposition. His concern was lack of testing of effects, so he began testing and was horrified with the results. He found these GMOs were actually impacting the food chain and altering DNA in humans. As a scientist ask yourself why a fellow scientist would walk away from fame and fortune and trade it for poverty / ridicule / scorn / derision UNLESS he saw things which concerned him enough to do so.

LTCM - You're welcome to pour yourself a big ol' heap in' spoonful of incinerated spongiforms on your poo dirt all you want. What's the upside if you're right? What's the downside for us poor dumb hippies if we're wrong? Why is scientific best practice and regulation to burn your clothes and anything else that comes in contact with them? Doesn't sound like something I want.
MadDog said:
spicefreak -Iit is telling when the geneticist considered to be the father of the GMO industry, who was also one of it's biggest proponents for two decades, walked away from prestige and wealth to become the megaphone for the opposition. His concern was lack of testing of effects, so he began testing and was horrified with the results. He found these GMOs were actually impacting the food chain and altering DNA in humans. As a scientist ask yourself why a fellow scientist would walk away from fame and fortune and trade it for poverty / ridicule / scorn / derision UNLESS he saw things which concerned him enough to do so.

LTCM - You're welcome to pour yourself a big ol' heap in' spoonful of incinerated spongiforms on your poo dirt all you want. What's the upside if you're right? What's the downside for us poor dumb hippies if we're wrong? Why is scientific best practice and regulation to burn your clothes and anything else that comes in contact with them? Doesn't sound like something I want.
There is a gmo thread that started today,add your 2c to it. Educate the people[emoji16]

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How about these hippies?...
Raymond Siedler, PhD senior EPA scientist...
Thierry C. Vrain, PhD soil biologist...
Jonathan R. Latham, PhD plant biologist...
There are hundreds more who seek to slay the dragon they once served. But I digress, this is the dooky thread. Don't buy soil that has people poo in it. Hysterical to me there are those in here who would actually challenge this.
I've never understood the use of human waste.  Our digestive system is INCREDIBLY efficient.  Most of what's left over is dead cells and some bacteria. If you consider human waste on a weight to nutrient ratio, it's almost worthless  More trouble than it's worth...
MadDog said:
Watch "Food, Inc." if you haven't seen it. Mind blowing cruelty and stupidity.

I've seen first hand what goes on, my grandfather ran a huge Cargill egg plant.
I am a weird vegetarian.  No meat at all.  Used to keep goat for milk and cheese till last hospital stay.  Wife gave them to friend because she figured I wouldnt be able to manage anymore.  Still keep chicken for eggs.  My thing is I do not want to support factory farming any more than I have to.  Too much abuse.
solid7 said:
I've never understood the use of human waste.  Our digestive system is INCREDIBLY efficient.  Most of what's left over is dead cells and some bacteria. If you consider human waste on a weight to nutrient ratio, it's almost worthless  More trouble than it's worth...
The solids in human poop is real good stuff 
Carbon 40-50%
Nitrogen 5-7%
Calcium 4-5%
Phosphorus 3-5%
Potassium  3-5%
and because of the incredible digestive system of humans , most of this is readily available.
It is used a lot in the rehabilitation of land after mining and deforestation .
solid7 said:
I've never understood the use of human waste.  Our digestive system is INCREDIBLY efficient.  Most of what's left over is dead cells and some bacteria. If you consider human waste on a weight to nutrient ratio, it's almost worthless  More trouble than it's worth...
karoo said:
The solids in human poop is real good stuff 
Carbon 40-50%
Nitrogen 5-7%
Calcium 4-5%
Phosphorus 3-5%
Potassium  3-5%
and because of the incredible digestive system of humans , most of this is readily available.
It is used a lot in the rehabilitation of land after mining and deforestation .
