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Solo cup drainage

CAPCOM said:
Or if you live in a rural area and are really good, you can stack them up 10 at a time, put the about 20' away and pop the rim with a .22. rotate the stack 90° and repeat.
thanks cap! and haha! ;) sounds like a good plan lol
I do 3 holes in a triangle at the bottom. And just use a drill. It might not make all of the holes perfectly but you don't need them to be. Just enough to let them drain to prevent stagnant water and damp off.
Unbend a paper clip or use a tack. A razor blade. The cap on a pen. It just has to be small and able to push through styrofoam.
Drip trays, though. I am still working on that.
Inedible said:
Unbend a paper clip or use a tack. A razor blade. The cap on a pen. It just has to be small and able to push through styrofoam.
Drip trays, though. I am still working on that.
The references being made are to the solo plastic 12oz cold beverage cups. The styros would also work but I think they are probably is little more pricey and not as durable.
Idk if anyone mentioned why you need drainage but typically you want drainage so the roots can breath. Peppers tend to grow best when the soil goes from damp to dry, repeating this over and over. If the water isnt allowed to drain it can cause some serious damage to roots like root rot, and can even be a haven for funguses and diseases. 
juanitos said:
i heated up a hot dog roaster stick and it melted right through about 15 at a time.
2 holes each cup was fine for me.
I do something similar, I heat up a nail head, while holding it with pliers, then make one hole for each corner (square solo cups) then three more holes in the center. Just make sure your using a good breathing mask.
I heat up an old small Phillips/Star screwdriver over the hotplate and use that to burn the holes in my solo cups. Four holes at the lowest point of the cup, and one on the side at the lowest point, just in case the ones at the base clog up. 
I've used a drill in the past to drill multiple cups, but you can also use scissors to nip triangles into the bottom corners.

I can also say that it's a lot easier to drill the holes first then plant in it. Otherwise you end up with a bunch of water pouring out of the first hole you punch.

Blister said:
I've used a drill in the past to drill multiple cups, but you can also use scissors to nip triangles into the bottom corners.

I can also say that it's a lot easier to drill the holes first then plant in it. Otherwise you end up with a bunch of water pouring out of the first hole you punch.

Should you put holes in trays too? or do you just drain the water in the bottom
CAPCOM said:
Or if you live in a rural area and are really good, you can stack them up 10 at a time, put the about 20' away and pop the rim with a .22. rotate the stack 90° and repeat.
I like you, my friend would LOVE you... But he is a nut. So don't take that as too much of a compliment :)
FullersFire said:
Should you put holes in trays too? or do you just drain the water in the bottom
I don't use a tray. I keep my plants in the tub of our spare bathroom so I just water and let them drain as needed.
