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Some beginner questions

Hello folks, I dont want to assume how to do anything as far as growing simply because I dont have any growing exp. I still have all but one of my newly sprouted plants still in the jiffy pellets. I have been watering them every 2 days from the bottom about 1/4 the height of the cup. which they are very small cups a little bigger then the pellets themselves. But I was wanting to know how often to water them and bottom watering jiffys is ok I assume? Also am I giving them the correct amount of water? When do I transplant them into bigger cups and soil? Thanks!
Don't know how big your plants are can you post pic. There probably ready to go into a one gallon pot.

Most of them sprouted over this past weekend. None of them have thier true leaves. The couple of older ones are about 4-5 days old. Will post pics later
I would wait till they get there first true leaves then peel the netting off the jiffys and plant the in a 5.5 pot. Are growing completely inside or are you moving them outside? Are you planting them in the ground or growing them in pots?
Hello folks, I dont want to assume how to do anything as far as growing simply because I dont have any growing exp. I still have all but one of my newly sprouted plants still in the jiffy pellets. I have been watering them every 2 days from the bottom about 1/4 the height of the cup. which they are very small cups a little bigger then the pellets themselves. But I was wanting to know how often to water them and bottom watering jiffys is ok I assume? Also am I giving them the correct amount of water? When do I transplant them into bigger cups and soil? Thanks!
Im growing inside. And im growing in cups until they are big enough for a bigger pot
Make sure you peel off the netting material before transplanting. I used plugs last year. I got in a hurry and forgot to take off a few of them. They didn't die but, their roots had a hard time passing threw.
Hey mega, Bottom feeding is the way to go with seedlings. Your not doing anything wrong there :) As for the question on the the correct amount of water? I actually can't give you a set answer on that because we would have to be roommates for me to confirm that ha. I can tell you the correct way of knowing though, you don't need to water on a set schedule, I mean you can.. But its better to take a look, see if the soil/pellet has a good amount of moisture still, if it does, don't water.. Excess water with seedlings can do all sorts of bad things to them, and large plants as well, that in most cases end in plant death, root rot, damping off, fungal diseases, to name a few. The most common mistake new growers make (notice I'm not saying IMO cause I know this is fact lol) is simply.. Overwatering. Always remember that.

Short story on topic, My dad will be coming over this spring so we can install a big drip system for all my plants, he asked me if I wanted to buy the timer for it so I didn't have to do a thing and the plants would get automatically watered every so often, I said nope. I'll always be checking the soil before I turn that baby on :)

Transplant? I would wait until your first set of leaves are of pretty good size, or if the roots are coming out the bottom.. time to pot up!
Hope that helps a bit.
go to a local nursey and u can usually get free plastic 5.5 containers and 6 or 8 pack holders. makes moving them a little easier
Like alot of the above said.. Do not over water.. As a new grower i have made that mistake alot. lol..
Also. Id say once the true leaves show up. Plant into the bigger pots.. I waited wayyyy to long.. and am pretty sure i lost at least half of the seedlings that sprouted...

and on the topic of seedlings and jiffy pellets.. I had better results from Cups with a mixture of miracle grow potting soil, black soil (that's what it says on the bag), and perlite. Germinated all of them in a plastic enclosure on top of a DSL modem.